mini3 copied to clipboard
Generating PDFs with PHP mini
I want to use dompdf, I installed it via composer. I did
use Dompdf\Dompdf;
in top of the Controller and used it like the example says:
$dompdf = new Dompdf();
$dompdf->loadHtml('hello world');
$dompdf->setPaper('A4', 'landscape');
The browser cannot open the pdf, the error occurs only in PHP Mini framework, I tried it in a separate project and it worked without problems. Do you have any ideas?
Hi, do you have some kind of error message ?
No, there is no error, the downloaded file is just 1KB and can't open.
Hello, I just did a test with the FPDF library and if you generate the pdf, you should try this other library, greetings. sorry for my bad English