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updating French translations
Hi @fbollon,
I've tested it and have seen some fields that still appear in english (for example in ticket card or ticket edit). Have you planned to complete the french translation later within this PR? I'm just asking to know if I should merge it as it is right now or wait for your feedback.
Hi @fbollon,
I've tested it and have seen some fields that still appear in english (for example in ticket card or ticket edit). Have you planned to complete the french translation later within this PR? I'm just asking to know if I should merge it as it is right now or wait for your feedback.
Hello @xaviqv
Sorry but I don't see the missing translations
Hi @fbollon,
I'm sorry It was my mistake. I've reviewed it again today and seen that I didn't fetch your changes right in my app. Now I really don't see any missing translation under list, ticket car or edit, but as I reviewed the translations\fr folder, I see the following issues:
- There is no "install.php" file, which is used in PanicHD installation
- "globals.php" should be under "emails" folder. It's content looks out of date also.
- Under "emails" folder there are still some files that are not used anymore: assigned.php, comment.php, transfer.php.
- In "globals.php" and "lang.php", for example, there are missing PHP comments. In fact they're not essential for the translation itself, but they are meant to help any contributor to identify the different "sections" that exist under these files, so I think it's good to keep them.
Anyway, I see a lot of good job done here. Thank you! Keep it up! I'll be waiting for your feedback.
Hi @xaviqv
The translation took me a lot of time, so I focused on the user interface, I left out the installation part. I didn't deal with the email part either because I haven't tested it yet. As for the comments, I use the package barryvdh/laravel-translation-manager to update the translation files, so I can't keep the comments, and in my opinion the comments in the language files are not really useful ...
In summary, my goal is to evaluate panichd and to make a poc to see if I can integrate it in some of my projects in an interesting way, so I'm going to the essential for now.
I'm thinking of doing a demo at my work and if the feedback is good, I will continue the translation.
I will surely have some questions or requests for advice, how do you prefer that I proceed? Should I create an issue per question? Or would you prefer that I ask them through another channel?
Hi @fbollon,
What you have shared seems to be a great effort. Thank you for giving these details about your work.
Maybe you're right about the translation files comments usefulness. In fact, I've been doing the translations until now by editing these files directly, but after reading about this translation manager I've noticed about some packages that I've added in my pending list.
I think that the best way to add questions here is to create a new issue any time you want to ask for a new topic. It would be fair to add in the same issue several questions if they're related or you're not sure if they are or not. Then it can be easier for other users looking for the same topic to participate.
It will be cool also to know how was your tests at work and about your projects progress with this package.
I'll be waiting for your feedback. Thank you!