panichd copied to clipboard
DataTables warning: table id=tickets-table - Ajax error
Hello guys, I'm new in this world and I'm learning about laravel. Now, I'have a problem loading tables of tickets. My browser says:
"DataTables warning: table id=tickets-table - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see"
In web browser console I get this errors:
"jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).tooltip is not a function TypeError: $(...).tooltip is not a function
at HTMLDocument.
"jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).tooltip is not a function
at HTMLDocument.
And with this I get a 500 error code "tickets/data/active?draw=1&columns%5B0......... 500"
What should I do?
Solved updating files. And editing this line in > panichd/src/views/tickets/datatables/loader.blade.php <
ajax: { url: '{!! route($setting->grab('main_route').'.data', $ticketList) !!}', type: 'GET' },
Now we have the problem Unknown column '""' in field list
Departments are disabled.
Change $a_select[] = "'-' as dep_ancestor_name"; for $a_select[] = \DB::raw("'-' as dep_ancestor_name");
in controller TicketsController function data and is fixed the problem
I am getting the same error I changed this $a_select[] = "'-' as dep_ancestor_name"; for $a_select[] = \DB::raw("'-' as dep_ancestor_name"); but still i am getting error
"error":"Exception Message:\n\nSQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 'fotocons_new.panichd_tickets.created_at' isn't in GROUP BY
Getting this error now Can anyone help me to solve this?
I just did a fresh install to check this package out. Laravel 5.8. I corrected this error by modifying:
/vendor/panichd/panichd/src/Controllers/TicketsController.php (line 141)
REMOVED: $a_select[] = '"" as dep_ancestor_name';
ADDED: $a_select[] = \DB::raw("'-' as dep_ancestor_name");
I have applied @wladiz2001 dedicated pull request #12 in the latest release posted yesterday. Could you please guys confirm If your related issues continue after updating PanicHD to v0.18.0?