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Fastest lua binding via static code generating for Unity3D and mono.
Unity2019.2导出集合相关接口时编译报错。 看导出的源码,是SLua多导出了几个方法。 比如Dictionary,多了两个个构造方法,其中一个参数是 IEnumerable; 多导出一个方法:public bool Remove (TKey key, out TValue value);
问题1. 当类型为ValueType,且拥有多个构造函数时,导出的无参数构造函数存在BUG LuaCodeGen第1989行 Write(file, "{0}(argc=={1}){{", first ? "if" : "else if", 0); 应当改为 Write(file, "{0}(argc=={1}){{", first ? "if" : "else if", 1); 问题2. 当类型为ValueType,且拥有一个有参数构造函数时,不会自动导出无参数构造函数
I tried to export it, but some exported classes are empty(sequence). public class Lua_DG_Tweening_Sequence : LuaObject { [UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve] static public void reg(IntPtr l) { getTypeTable(l,"DG.Tweening.Sequence"); createTypeMetatable(l,null, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence),typeof(DG.Tweening.Tween)); } }
**Compile LuaObject to DLL.** Error text: NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module. System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_CodeBase () (at :0) SLua.LuaCodeGen.CompileDLL () (at Assets/Slua/Editor/LuaCodeGen.cs:532)
does this work with unity 2019 Okay I tested 2018 works no problem but not 2019. Well it doesnt work in webGL anyway or I am getting a An error...
采用Hook技术,对luaL_loadbuffer 进行hook,修改buff里面的代码