ember.js-dashboard copied to clipboard
Activity of the Ember.js community at a glance: Twitter, GitHub, StackOverflow and Reddit
I spent an hour or so rewriting `style.css` and changing around some templates. There's some minor UI improvements and the whole page looks very Ember-y now. Tested in current Chrome...
The search.twitter.com API is deprecated as of twitter API v1.1 datasource.js needs to be updated with this API: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?callback=?&q=ember.js%20OR%20emberjs%20OR%20ember-data%20OR%20emberjs but it only allows authenticated requests. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/overview#Authentication_required_on_all_endpoints
Hi! This dashboard is pretty nice. You could add links to videos of ember meetups or talks from Tom dale (they are somewhere on Vimeo). Cheers!
support all these events: http://developer.github.com/v3/events/types/, at least those who make sense. - ~~CommitCommentEvent~~ - ~~CreateEvent~~ - ~~DeleteEvent~~ - ~~DownloadEvent~~ - FollowEvent - ~~ForkEvent~~ - ForkApplyEvent - GistEvent - ~~GollumEvent~~ -...
One column - any type of event - sorted by date