AppA11y, Inc.
AppA11y, Inc.
Does this support the material design standard for being accessible with voiceover? I can't seem to make it work. Thanks.
I am using the older objective C version of the framework (version 1.4.2). Everything works fine, except the videos are getting uploaded and staying in a false 'ReadyToStream' status. The...
All of the documentation is very old and does not seem to match the latest version of the SDK. Are there any updated instructions for implementing in a project the...
Hello. Does every contact in the Firebase database for the app get synced and written to the local sqlite database? If so, how big will this database get with hundreds...
BCoreDataStorageAdapter.m has most of its code commented out, and also calls methods that do essentially nothing. it also appears the persistentStoreCoordinator is attached to the main moc, causing excessive lag...
There is a 'FetchSubComments' flag to set (which does not seem to work, maybe it is dependent on other flags?). I see no top level comments option for this api...