
Results 5 comments of Pclin

Hello, I meet the same problem. Did you solve this problem?

> > @getupgetup @HongweiSunny > > If you only want to get rosbag from velodyne, you can just download the velodyne .bin data and use my tool: [lidar2rosbag_KITTI](https://github.com/AbnerCSZ/lidar2rosbag_KITTI) . >...

> 用的是16线的ouster激光和ouster自带的imu,参数用的faster-lio例程里面64线的默认参数,除了外参之外是不是还需要自己标定一下imu的噪声?

I meet the same problem.Would you solve this problem?

Hello, nice paper. Do you have a new ETA for the code release?