pandas copied to clipboard
BUG: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp when s was specified
Pandas version checks
[X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.
[X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest version of pandas.
[X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the main branch of pandas.
Reproducible Example
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
ser_index = pd.DatetimeIndex([
np.datetime64('0000-01-01', 's'),
np.datetime64('2000-01-01', 's'),
Issue Description
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[1], line 1 ser_index = pd.DatetimeIndex([
NameError: name 'pd' is not defined
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
ser_index = pd.DatetimeIndex([ np.datetime64('0000-01-01', 's'), np.datetime64('2000-01-01', 's'), ]) Traceback (most recent call last):
File conversion.pyx:294 in pandas._libs.tslibs.conversion.get_datetime64_nanos
OverflowError: Overflow occurred in npy_datetimestruct_to_datetime
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[4], line 1 ser_index = pd.DatetimeIndex([
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/paleopandas/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in new dtarr = DatetimeArray._from_sequence_not_strict(
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/paleopandas/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _from_sequence_not_strict subarr, tz = _sequence_to_dt64(
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/paleopandas/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _sequence_to_dt64 converted, inferred_tz = objects_to_datetime64(
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/paleopandas/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in objects_to_datetime64 result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_to_datetime(
File tslib.pyx:414 in pandas._libs.tslib.array_to_datetime
File tslib.pyx:596 in pandas._libs.tslib.array_to_datetime
File tslib.pyx:520 in pandas._libs.tslib.array_to_datetime
File conversion.pyx:297 in pandas._libs.tslibs.conversion.get_datetime64_nanos
OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 0000-01-01T00:00:00, at position 0
Expected Behavior
Used to work as of 2.0.4.
Installed Versions
/Users/deborahkhider/opt/anaconda3/envs/paleopandas/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_distutils_hack/ UserWarning: Setuptools is replacing distutils. warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.")
commit : fd3f57170aa1af588ba877e8e28c158a20a4886d python : python-bits : 64 OS : Darwin OS-release : 22.6.0 Version : Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul 5 22:21:56 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_X86_64 machine : x86_64 processor : i386 byteorder : little LC_ALL : en_US.UTF-8 LANG : en_US.UTF-8 LOCALE : en_US.UTF-8
pandas : 2.2.0 numpy : 1.24.3 pytz : 2023.3 dateutil : 2.8.2 setuptools : 67.7.2 pip : 23.1.2 Cython : 0.29.33 pytest : None hypothesis : None sphinx : 5.0.2 blosc : None feather : None xlsxwriter : None lxml.etree : 4.9.2 html5lib : None pymysql : None psycopg2 : None jinja2 : 3.1.2 IPython : 8.14.0 pandas_datareader : None adbc-driver-postgresql: None adbc-driver-sqlite : None bs4 : 4.12.2 bottleneck : 1.3.6 dataframe-api-compat : None fastparquet : None fsspec : 2023.6.0 gcsfs : None matplotlib : 3.6.3 numba : 0.57.0 numexpr : None odfpy : None openpyxl : None pandas_gbq : None pyarrow : None pyreadstat : None python-calamine : None pyxlsb : None s3fs : None scipy : 1.12.0 sqlalchemy : 2.0.23 tables : None tabulate : 0.9.0 xarray : 2023.1.0 xlrd : 2.0.1 zstandard : None tzdata : 2023.3 qtpy : 2.3.1 pyqt5 : None
Should be fixed by #55901