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SmartRouter onChainProvider client Type mismatch
I am trying to solve the following:
import {
} from "@pancakeswap/smart-router";
import { createPublicClient, http } from "viem";
import { bsc } from "viem/chains";
In here, I have my client var with the bsc info.
const client = createPublicClient({
chain: bsc,
transport: http(""),
batch: {
multicall: {
batchSize: 1024 * 200,
And I call it like this:
const quoteProvider = SmartRouter.createQuoteProvider({
onChainProvider: () => client,
However, I get to see this weird warning:
Type '{ account: undefined; batch?: { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number | undefined; wait?: number | undefined; } | undefined; } | undefined; cacheTime: number; chain: Assign<{ readonly id: 56; ... 5 more ...; readonly contracts: { ...; }; }, ChainConfig<...>>; ... 53 more ...; extend: <const client extends { ......' is not assignable to type '{ account: undefined; batch?: { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number | undefined; wait?: number | undefined; } | undefined; } | undefined; cacheTime: number; chain: Chain | undefined; ... 53 more ...; extend: <const client extends { ...; } & Partial<...>>(fn: (client: Client<...>) => client) => Client<...>; }'.
Types of property 'chain' are incompatible.
Type 'Assign<{ readonly id: 56; readonly name: "BNB Smart Chain"; readonly network: "bsc"; readonly nativeCurrency: { readonly decimals: 18; readonly name: "BNB"; readonly symbol: "BNB"; }; readonly rpcUrls: { ...; }; readonly blockExplorers: { ...; }; readonly contracts: { ...; }; }, ChainConfig<...>>' is not assignable to type 'Chain | undefined'.
Type 'Assign<{ readonly id: 56; readonly name: "BNB Smart Chain"; readonly network: "bsc"; readonly nativeCurrency: { readonly decimals: 18; readonly name: "BNB"; readonly symbol: "BNB"; }; readonly rpcUrls: { ...; }; readonly blockExplorers: { ...; }; readonly contracts: { ...; }; }, ChainConfig<...>>' is not assignable to type 'Chain'.
Type 'Assign<{ readonly id: 56; readonly name: "BNB Smart Chain"; readonly network: "bsc"; readonly nativeCurrency: { readonly decimals: 18; readonly name: "BNB"; readonly symbol: "BNB"; }; readonly rpcUrls: { ...; }; readonly blockExplorers: { ...; }; readonly contracts: { ...; }; }, ChainConfig<...>>' is not assignable to type 'ChainConfig<ChainFormatters | undefined>'.
Types of property 'fees' are incompatible.
Type 'ChainFees<undefined> | undefined' is not assignable to type 'ChainFees<ChainFormatters | undefined> | undefined'.
Type 'ChainFees<undefined>' is not assignable to type 'ChainFees<ChainFormatters | undefined>'.
Types of property 'baseFeeMultiplier' are incompatible.
Type 'number | ((args: ChainFeesFnParameters<undefined>) => number | Promise<number>) | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number | ((args: ChainFeesFnParameters<ChainFormatters | undefined>) => number | Promise<number>) | undefined'.
Type '(args: ChainFeesFnParameters<undefined>) => number | Promise<number>' is not assignable to type 'number | ((args: ChainFeesFnParameters<ChainFormatters | undefined>) => number | Promise<number>) | undefined'.
Type '(args: ChainFeesFnParameters<undefined>) => number | Promise<number>' is not assignable to type '(args: ChainFeesFnParameters<ChainFormatters | undefined>) => number | Promise<number>'.
Types of parameters 'args' and 'args' are incompatible.
Type 'ChainFeesFnParameters<ChainFormatters | undefined>' is not assignable to type 'ChainFeesFnParameters<undefined>'.
Types of property 'client' are incompatible.
Type 'import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/@pancakeswap/smart-router/node_modules/viem/_types/clients/createClient").Client<import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/@pancakeswap/smart-router/node_modules/viem/_types/clients/transports/createTransport"...' is not assignable to type 'import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/viem/_types/clients/createClient").Client<import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/viem/_types/clients/transports/createTransport").Transport, import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/nod...'.
Type 'Client<Transport, Chain<ChainFormatters | undefined>>' is not assignable to type 'Client_Base<Transport, Chain<ChainFormatters | undefined>, Account | undefined, undefined>'.
Types of property 'account' are incompatible.
Type 'import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/@pancakeswap/smart-router/node_modules/viem/_types/accounts/types").Account | undefined' is not assignable to type 'import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/viem/_types/accounts/types").Account | undefined'.
Type 'LocalAccount<string, `0x${string}`>' is not assignable to type 'Account | undefined'.
Type 'import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/@pancakeswap/smart-router/node_modules/viem/_types/accounts/types").LocalAccount<string, `0x${string}`>' is not assignable to type 'import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/viem/_types/accounts/types").LocalAccount<string, `0x${string}`>'.
Type 'LocalAccount<string, `0x${string}`>' is not assignable to type 'CustomSource'.
Types of property 'signTypedData' are incompatible.
Type '<const TTypedData extends { [x: string]: readonly import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/viem/node_modules/abitype/dist/types/abi").TypedDataParameter[]; [x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bool[${s...' is not assignable to type '<const TTypedData extends { [x: string]: readonly import("/Users/singular/Development/HappyGames/happy-game-web/node_modules/viem/node_modules/abitype/dist/types/abi").TypedDataParameter[]; [x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bool[${s...'. Two different types with this name exist, but they are unrelated.
Types of parameters 'typedData' and 'typedData' are incompatible.
Type 'TypedDataDefinition<TTypedData, TPrimaryType>' is not assignable to type 'TypedDataDefinition<TTypedData, string>'.
Type 'TypedDataDefinition<TTypedData, TPrimaryType>' is not assignable to type '{ [key_3: string]: any; } extends (TTypedData extends { [x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[]; [x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bool[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes9[${string}]`]: undefi...'.ts(2322)
providers.d.ts(37, 31): The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
Codeium: Explain Problem
const client: {
account: undefined;
batch?: {
multicall?: boolean | {
batchSize?: number | undefined;
wait?: number | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
cacheTime: number;
chain: Assign<{
readonly id: 56;
... 5 more ...;
readonly contracts: {
}, ChainConfig<...>>;
... 53 more ...;
extend: <const client extends {
} & Partial<...>>(fn: (client: Client<...>) => client) => Client<...>;
@chefjackson can you please take a look