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Wagmi v2
PR-Codex overview
This PR focuses on updating the viem
package to version 2.1.0 and removing unused code and dependencies.
Detailed summary
- Updated
package to version 2.1.0 - Removed unused code and dependencies
- Updated package versions in various files
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Latest commit: d028b5d384233c84bccfe168c5509600bd7e91d6
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Name | Status | Preview | Comments | Updated (UTC) |
games | ✅ Ready (Inspect) | Visit Preview | 💬 Add feedback | Feb 1, 2024 9:12am |
web | ❌ Failed (Inspect) | Feb 1, 2024 9:12am |
4 Ignored Deployments
Name | Status | Preview | Comments | Updated (UTC) |
aptos-web | ⬜️ Ignored (Inspect) | Visit Preview | Feb 1, 2024 9:12am | |
blog | ⬜️ Ignored (Inspect) | Visit Preview | Feb 1, 2024 9:12am | |
bridge | ⬜️ Ignored (Inspect) | Visit Preview | Feb 1, 2024 9:12am | |
uikit | ⬜️ Ignored (Inspect) | Visit Preview | Feb 1, 2024 9:12am |
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Package | New capabilities | Transitives | Size | Publisher |
npm/[email protected] | Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe | +3489 |
1.41 GB | awkweb |
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To accept the risk, merge this PR and you will not be notified again.
Typescript errors check
Ohhh you have added 82 errors whith this PR 😥
1777 ts errors detected in all the codebase 😟.
138 ts errors detected in the modified files.
Filename | Location | Message |
apps/web/src/components/ConnectWalletButton.tsx | 28, 47 | Argument of type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/components/NetworkModal/NetworkModal.tsx | 33, 80 | Argument of type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/components/NetworkModal/UnsupportedNetworkModal.tsx | 62, 68 | Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type '1 | 56 | 42161 | 8453 | 1101 | 97 | 5 | 421613 | 1442 | 324 | 280 | 59144 | 59140 | 5611 | 204 | 84531 | 534351'. |
apps/web/src/components/NetworkModal/WrongNetworkModal.tsx | 13, 80 | Cannot find name 'Chain'. Did you mean 'ChainId'? |
apps/web/src/components/NetworkModal/WrongNetworkModal.tsx | 37, 28 | Type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/components/NetworkSwitcher.tsx | 166, 11 | Property 'pendingChainId' does not exist on type '{ switchNetwork: (chainId: number) => void; switchNetworkAsync: (chainId: number) => Promise |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 26, 50 | Property 'getProvider' does not exist on type 'CreateConnectorFn<EthereumProvider, { connect(parameters?: { chainId?: number | undefined; pairingTopic?: string | undefined; } | undefined): Promise<{ accounts: readonly 0x${string} []; chainId: number; }>; getNamespaceChainsIds(): number[]; getNamespaceMethods(): ("wallet_addEthereumChain" | "wallet_switchEthereumChain")[]; getRequestedChainsIds(): Promise<number[]>; isChainsStale(): Promise${string}.requestedChains ; }, { [x: ${string}.requestedChains ]: number[]; }>'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 39, 24 | Property 'isMetaMask' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 43, 24 | Property 'providers' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 140, 74 | Property 'isOpera' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 150, 74 | Property 'isBraveWallet' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 159, 74 | Property 'isRabby' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 175, 74 | Property 'isMathWallet' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/config/wallet.ts | 185, 74 | Property 'isTokenPocket' does not exist on type '{ on: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; removeListener: <TEvent extends keyof EIP1193EventMap>(event: TEvent, listener: EIP1193EventMap[TEvent]) => void; request: EIP1193RequestFn<[{ Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blobGasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_blockNumber"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_call"; Parameters: [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>] | [transaction: Partial<RpcTransactionRequest>, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_coinbase"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_feeHistory"; Parameters: [blockCount: 0x${string} , newestBlock: 0x${string} | BlockTag, rewardPercentiles: number[] | undefined]; ReturnType: RpcFeeHistory; }, { Method: "eth_gasPrice"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBalance"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, includeTransactionObjects: boolean]; ReturnType: RpcBlock | null; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getCode"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterChanges"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} [] | RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getLogs"; Parameters: [{ address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; } & ({ fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; blockHash?: undefined; } | { fromBlock?: undefined; toBlock?: undefined; blockHash?: 0x${string} | undefined; })]; ReturnType: RpcLog[]; }, { Method: "eth_getProof"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , storageKeys: 0x${string} [], block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: RpcProof; }, { Method: "eth_getStorageAt"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionByHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransaction | null; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionCount"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , block: 0x${string} | BlockTag | RpcBlockIdentifier]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcTransactionReceipt | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} , index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag, index: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: RpcUncle | null; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash"; Parameters: [hash: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber"; Parameters: [block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newBlockFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newFilter"; Parameters: [filter: { fromBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; toBlock?: 0x${string} | BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | 0x${string} [] | undefined; topics?: LogTopic[] | undefined; }]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_protocolVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter"; Parameters: [filterId: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "eth_accounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_chainId"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_estimateGas"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest] | [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest, block: 0x${string} | BlockTag]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_requestAccounts"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: 0x${string} []; }, { Method: "eth_sendTransaction"; Parameters: [transaction: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sendRawTransaction"; Parameters: [signedTransaction: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_sign"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , data: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTransaction"; Parameters: [request: RpcTransactionRequest]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_signTypedData_v4"; Parameters: [address: 0x${string} , message: string]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "eth_syncing"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: false | NetworkSync; }, { Method: "personal_sign"; Parameters: [data: 0x${string} , address: 0x${string} ]; ReturnType: 0x${string} ; }, { Method: "wallet_addEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: AddEthereumChainParameter]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_getPermissions"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_requestPermissions"; Parameters: [permissions: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }]; ReturnType: WalletPermission[]; }, { Method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain"; Parameters: [chain: { chainId: string; }]; ReturnType: null; }, { Method: "wallet_watchAsset"; Parameters: WatchAssetParams; ReturnType: boolean; }]>; }'. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useActiveWeb3React.ts | 26, 60 | Argument of type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useActiveWeb3React.ts | 38, 37 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useETHApprovalStatus.ts | 14, 20 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useETHApprovalStatus.ts | 16, 12 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useETHApprovalStatus.ts | 22, 30 | Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Value'. |
apps/web/src/hooks/usePublicNodeWaitForTransaction.ts | 5, 10 | '"wagmi/actions"' has no exported member named 'WaitForTransactionArgs'. Did you mean 'waitForTransaction'? |
apps/web/src/hooks/usePublicNodeWaitForTransaction.ts | 33, 34 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/hooks/usePublicNodeWaitForTransaction.ts | 34, 39 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/hooks/usePublicNodeWaitForTransaction.ts | 36, 14 | Expected 2 arguments, but got 1. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useTokenAllowance.ts | 29, 29 | Type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useTokenBalance.ts | 25, 5 | Argument of type '{ chainId: number | undefined; abi: readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }]; address: 0x${string} ; functionName: "balanceOf"; args: [0x${string} ]; enabled: boolean; watch: boolean; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; account?: 0x${string} | Account | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | undefined; abi?: readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }] | undefined; functionName?: "symbol" | "name" | "balanceOf" | "totalSupply" | "allowance" | "decimals" | undefined; args?: readonly [0x${string} ] | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; query?: Omit<{ select?: ((data: bigint) => bigint) | undefined; meta?: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; enabled?: boolean | undefined; behavior?: QueryBehavior<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; queryKey?: readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">] | undefined; staleTime?: number | undefined; refetchInterval?: number | false | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => number | false | undefined) | undefined; refetchIntervalInBackground?: boolean | undefined; refetchOnWindowFocus?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnReconnect?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnMount?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; retryOnMount?: boolean | undefined; notifyOnChangeProps?: NotifyOnChangeProps | undefined; throwOnError?: ThrowOnError<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; placeholderData?: bigint | PlaceholderDataFunction<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; _optimisticResults?: "optimistic" | "isRestoring" | undefined; retry?: RetryValue<ReadContractErrorType> | undefined; retryDelay?: RetryDelayValue<ReadContractErrorType> | undefined; networkMode?: NetworkMode | undefined; gcTime?: number | undefined; queryFn?: QueryFunction<bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">], never> | undefined; persister?: ((queryFn: QueryFunction<bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">], never>, context: { queryKey: readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]; signal: AbortSignal; meta: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; }, query: Query<unknown, Error, unknown, QueryKey>) => bigint | Promise0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; initialDataUpdatedAt?: number | (() => number | undefined) | undefined; structuralSharing?: boolean | (<T>(oldData: T | undefined, newData: T) => T) | undefined; _defaulted?: boolean | undefined; maxPages?: number | undefined; initialData?: bigint | InitialDataFunction |
apps/web/src/hooks/useTokenBalance.ts | 41, 5 | Argument of type '{ chainId: ChainId; address: 0x${string} | undefined; watch: boolean; enabled: boolean; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; query?: Omit<{ select?: ((data: { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }) => { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }) | undefined; meta?: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; enabled?: boolean | undefined; behavior?: QueryBehavior<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; queryKey?: readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }] | undefined; staleTime?: number | undefined; refetchInterval?: number | false | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => number | false | undefined) | undefined; refetchIntervalInBackground?: boolean | undefined; refetchOnWindowFocus?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnReconnect?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnMount?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; retryOnMount?: boolean | undefined; notifyOnChangeProps?: NotifyOnChangeProps | undefined; throwOnError?: ThrowOnError<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; placeholderData?: { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; } | PlaceholderDataFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; _optimisticResults?: "optimistic" | "isRestoring" | undefined; retry?: RetryValue<GetBalanceErrorType> | undefined; retryDelay?: RetryDelayValue<GetBalanceErrorType> | undefined; networkMode?: NetworkMode | undefined; gcTime?: number | undefined; queryFn?: QueryFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }], never> | undefined; persister?: ((queryFn: QueryFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }], never>, context: { queryKey: readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]; signal: AbortSignal; meta: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; }, query: Query<unknown, Error, unknown, QueryKey>) => { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; } | Promise<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }>) | undefined; queryHash?: string | undefined; queryKeyHashFn?: QueryKeyHashFunction<readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; initialDataUpdatedAt?: number | (() => number | undefined) | undefined; structuralSharing?: boolean | (<T>(oldData: T | undefined, newData: T) => T) | undefined; _defaulted?: boolean | undefined; maxPages?: number | undefined; initialData?: { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; } | InitialDataFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }> | undefined; }, "queryKey" | "throwOnError" | "queryFn" | "queryHash" | "queryKeyHashFn"> | undefined; }'. |
apps/web/src/hooks/useTokenBalance.ts | 54, 5 | Argument of type '{ chainId: number | undefined; address: 0x${string} | undefined; watch: boolean; enabled: boolean; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; query?: Omit<{ select?: ((data: { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }) => { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }) | undefined; meta?: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; enabled?: boolean | undefined; behavior?: QueryBehavior<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; queryKey?: readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }] | undefined; staleTime?: number | undefined; refetchInterval?: number | false | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => number | false | undefined) | undefined; refetchIntervalInBackground?: boolean | undefined; refetchOnWindowFocus?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnReconnect?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnMount?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; retryOnMount?: boolean | undefined; notifyOnChangeProps?: NotifyOnChangeProps | undefined; throwOnError?: ThrowOnError<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; placeholderData?: { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; } | PlaceholderDataFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, GetBalanceErrorType, { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; _optimisticResults?: "optimistic" | "isRestoring" | undefined; retry?: RetryValue<GetBalanceErrorType> | undefined; retryDelay?: RetryDelayValue<GetBalanceErrorType> | undefined; networkMode?: NetworkMode | undefined; gcTime?: number | undefined; queryFn?: QueryFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }], never> | undefined; persister?: ((queryFn: QueryFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }, readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }], never>, context: { queryKey: readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]; signal: AbortSignal; meta: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; }, query: Query<unknown, Error, unknown, QueryKey>) => { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; } | Promise<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }>) | undefined; queryHash?: string | undefined; queryKeyHashFn?: QueryKeyHashFunction<readonly ["balance", { address?: 0x${string} | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; token?: 0x${string} | undefined; unit?: Unit | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; }]> | undefined; initialDataUpdatedAt?: number | (() => number | undefined) | undefined; structuralSharing?: boolean | (<T>(oldData: T | undefined, newData: T) => T) | undefined; _defaulted?: boolean | undefined; maxPages?: number | undefined; initialData?: { decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; } | InitialDataFunction<{ decimals: number; formatted: string; symbol: string; value: bigint; }> | undefined; }, "queryKey" | "throwOnError" | "queryFn" | "queryHash" | "queryKeyHashFn"> | undefined; }'. |
apps/web/src/pages/_app.tsx | 91, 46 | Property 'mp' does not exist on type 'NextPageWithLayout'. |
apps/web/src/state/block/hooks.ts | 18, 5 | Argument of type '{ chainId: number | undefined; onBlockNumber: (data: bigint) => void; onSuccess: (data: any) => void; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ onBlockNumber?: OnBlockNumberFn | undefined; onError?: ((error: Error) => void) | undefined; emitMissed?: boolean | undefined; emitOnBegin?: boolean | undefined; poll?: true | undefined; pollingInterval?: number | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; syncConnectedChain?: boolean | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; enabled?: boolean | undefined; } | { onBlockNumber?: OnBlockNumberFn | undefined; onError?: ((error: Error) => void) | undefined; emitMissed?: undefined; emitOnBegin?: undefined; poll?: false | undefined; pollingInterval?: undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; syncConnectedChain?: boolean | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; enabled?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/farms/fetchFarmUser.ts | 122, 65 | Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ account: Account | undefined; batch?: { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number | undefined; wait?: number | undefined; } | undefined; } | undefined; cacheTime: number; chain: Chain | undefined; key: string; name: string; pollingInterval: number; request: EIP1193RequestFn<WalletRpcSchema>; transport: TransportConfig<string, EIP1193RequestFn> & Record<string, any>; type: string; uid: string; addChain: (args: AddChainParameters) => Promise0x${string} >; getAddresses: () => Promise<GetAddressesReturnType>; getChainId: () => Promise0x${string} | Account | undefined = undefined>(args: PrepareTransactionRequestParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride, TAccountOverride, TParameterType>) => Promise<PrepareTransactionRequestReturnType<Chain, Account | undefined, TChainOverride, TAccountOverride, TParameterType>>; requestAddresses: () => Promise<RequestAddressesReturnType>; requestPermissions: (args: { [x: string]: Record<string, any>; eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }) => Promise<RequestPermissionsReturnType>; sendRawTransaction: (args: SendRawTransactionParameters) => Promise<0x${string} >; sendTransaction: <TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined = undefined>(args: SendTransactionParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signMessage: (args: SignMessageParameters<Account | undefined>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signTransaction: <TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined>(args: SignTransactionParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signTypedData: <const TTypedData extends { [x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[]; [x: string[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: function[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: address[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bool[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes1[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes2[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes3[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes4[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes18[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes17[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes5[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes31[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes30[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes29[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes28[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes27[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes26[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes25[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes23[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes22[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes21[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes20[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes19[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes15[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes14[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes13[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes12[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes11[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes10[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes9[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes7[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes6[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int56[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int40[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int48[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int64[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int72[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int80[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int88[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int96[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int104[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int112[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int120[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int128[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int136[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int144[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int152[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int160[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int168[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int176[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int184[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int192[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int200[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int208[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int216[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int224[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int232[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int240[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int248[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int256[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint56[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint40[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint48[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint64[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint72[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint80[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint88[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint96[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint104[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint112[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint120[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint128[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint136[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint144[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint152[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint160[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint168[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint176[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint184[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint192[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint200[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint208[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint216[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint224[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint232[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint240[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint248[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint256[${string}] ]: undefined; string?: undefined; address?: undefined; bool?: undefined; bytes?: undefined; bytes1?: undefined; bytes2?: undefined; bytes3?: undefined; bytes4?: undefined; bytes18?: undefined; bytes17?: undefined; bytes5?: undefined; bytes32?: undefined; bytes31?: undefined; bytes30?: undefined; bytes29?: undefined; bytes28?: undefined; bytes27?: undefined; bytes26?: undefined; bytes25?: undefined; bytes24?: undefined; bytes23?: undefined; bytes22?: undefined; bytes21?: undefined; bytes20?: undefined; bytes19?: undefined; bytes16?: undefined; bytes15?: undefined; bytes14?: undefined; bytes13?: undefined; bytes12?: undefined; bytes11?: undefined; bytes10?: undefined; bytes9?: undefined; bytes8?: undefined; bytes7?: undefined; bytes6?: undefined; int56?: undefined; int40?: undefined; int32?: undefined; int24?: undefined; int16?: undefined; int8?: undefined; int48?: undefined; int64?: undefined; int72?: undefined; int80?: undefined; int88?: undefined; int96?: undefined; int104?: undefined; int112?: undefined; int120?: undefined; int128?: undefined; int136?: undefined; int144?: undefined; int152?: undefined; int160?: undefined; int168?: undefined; int176?: undefined; int184?: undefined; int192?: undefined; int200?: undefined; int208?: undefined; int216?: undefined; int224?: undefined; int232?: undefined; int240?: undefined; int248?: undefined; int256?: undefined; uint56?: undefined; uint40?: undefined; uint32?: undefined; uint24?: undefined; uint16?: undefined; uint8?: undefined; uint48?: undefined; uint64?: undefined; uint72?: undefined; uint80?: undefined; uint88?: undefined; uint96?: undefined; uint104?: undefined; uint112?: undefined; uint120?: undefined; uint128?: undefined; uint136?: undefined; uint144?: undefined; uint152?: undefined; uint160?: undefined; uint168?: undefined; uint176?: undefined; uint184?: undefined; uint192?: undefined; uint200?: undefined; uint208?: undefined; uint216?: undefined; uint224?: undefined; uint232?: undefined; uint240?: undefined; uint248?: undefined; uint256?: undefined; } | { [key: string]: unknown; }, TPrimaryType extends string>(args: SignTypedDataParameters<TTypedData, TPrimaryType, Account | undefined>) => Promise<0x${string} >; switchChain: (args: SwitchChainParameters) => Promise0x${string} >; extend: <const client extends { [x: string]: unknown; account?: undefined; batch?: undefined; cacheTime?: undefined; chain?: undefined; key?: undefined; name?: undefined; pollingInterval?: undefined; request?: undefined; transport?: undefined; type?: undefined; uid?: undefined; } & Partial<ExtendableProtectedActions>>(fn: (client: Client<Transport, Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, WalletRpcSchema, WalletActions<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined>>) => client) => Client<Transport, Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, WalletRpcSchema, { [K in keyof client]: client[K]; } & WalletActions<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined>>; } | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/farms/index.ts | 34, 25 | 'farmsConfig' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/farms/index.ts | 49, 3 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'number | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/farms/index.ts | 66, 13 | 'farmDataList' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/farms/index.ts | 202, 27 | 'farmsConfig' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 61, 3 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'ApiCollectionsResponse'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 112, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'Record<string, Collection>'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 156, 3 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'ApiCollection'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 191, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'ApiResponseCollectionTokens'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 194, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'ApiResponseCollectionTokens'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 215, 3 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type '{ tokenId: string; name: string; description: string; image: Image; createdAt: string; updatedAt: string; attributes: NftAttribute[]; collection: { name: string; }; }'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 269, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'CollectionMarketDataBaseFields'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 423, 5 | Type '({ collection: { id: string; }; tokenId: string; currentSeller: 0x${string} ; isTradable: boolean; currentAskPrice: string | 0n; } | null)[]' is not assignable to type 'TokenMarketData[]'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 457, 19 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type '{ tokenId: string; currentSeller: string; currentAskPrice: bigint; isTradable: boolean; }[]'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 471, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type '{ tokenId: string; currentSeller: string; currentAskPrice: bigint; isTradable: boolean; }[]'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 902, 3 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'ApiTokenFilterResponse'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 1141, 3 | Type '(TokenMarketData | { tokenId: string; collection: { id: string; }; nftLocation: NftLocation | undefined; metadataUrl: null; transactionHistory: null; currentSeller: null; isTradable: null; currentAskPrice: null; latestTradedPriceInBNB: null; tradeVolumeBNB: null; totalTrades: null; otherId: null; })[]' is not assignable to type 'TokenMarketData[]'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 1214, 3 | Type '({ tokenId?: string | undefined; collection?: { id: string; } | undefined; currentAskPrice?: string | undefined; currentSeller?: string | undefined; isTradable?: boolean | undefined; metadataUrl?: string | undefined; latestTradedPriceInBNB?: string | undefined; tradeVolumeBNB?: string | undefined; totalTrades?: string | undefined; otherId?: string | undefined; updatedAt?: string | undefined; transactionHistory?: Transaction[] | undefined; } | null)[]' is not assignable to type 'TokenMarketData[]'. |
apps/web/src/state/nftMarket/helpers.ts | 1291, 3 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'T'. |
apps/web/src/state/pottery/index.ts | 26, 7 | Type 'Readonly<{ lastVaultAddress: null; publicData: { lastDrawId: string; totalPrize: null; getStatus: PotteryDepositStatus; totalLockCake: null; totalSupply: null; lockStartTime: string; lockTime: number; totalLockedValue: null; latestRoundId: string; maxTotalDeposit: null; }; userData: { isLoading: boolean; allowance: null; previewDepositBalance: null; stakingTokenBalance: null; rewards: null; winCount: null; withdrawAbleData: never[]; }; finishedRoundInfo: { isFetched: boolean; roundId: null; drawDate: string; prizePot: string; totalPlayers: string; txid: string; winners: never[]; lockDate: string; }; }>' is not assignable to type 'PotteryState'. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 69, 31 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'Profile | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 74, 15 | Argument of type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 76, 28 | Argument of type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 76, 47 | 'tokenId' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 87, 9 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 107, 12 | Variable 'nftToken' is used before being assigned. |
apps/web/src/state/profile/helpers.ts | 114, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'GetProfileResponse'. |
apps/web/src/state/wallet/hooks.ts | 60, 53 | Type 'boolean | undefined' is not assignable to type 'boolean'. |
apps/web/src/state/wallet/hooks.ts | 119, 63 | Type 'boolean | undefined' is not assignable to type 'boolean'. |
apps/web/src/utils/requiresApproval.ts | 11, 28 | 'contract' is possibly 'null'. |
apps/web/src/views/AffiliatesProgram/components/Dashboard/MyReferralLink.tsx | 115, 12 | Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/AffiliatesProgram/components/Dashboard/Reward/LatestReward.tsx | 68, 73 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/AffiliatesProgram/components/Dashboard/Reward/LatestReward.tsx | 68, 112 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/CakeStaking/hooks/useProxyVeCakeBalance.ts | 22, 5 | Argument of type '{ chainId: number | undefined; address: 0x${string} ; functionName: "balanceOf"; abi: readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }]; args: [0x${string} ]; watch: boolean; enabled: boolean | undefined; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ blockNumber?: bigint | undefined; account?: 0x${string} | Account | undefined; blockTag?: BlockTag | undefined; address?: 0x${string} | undefined; abi?: readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }] | undefined; functionName?: "symbol" | "name" | "balanceOf" | "totalSupply" | "allowance" | "decimals" | undefined; args?: readonly [0x${string} ] | undefined; chainId?: number | undefined; scopeKey?: string | undefined; config?: Config | undefined; query?: Omit<{ select?: ((data: bigint) => bigint) | undefined; meta?: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; enabled?: boolean | undefined; behavior?: QueryBehavior<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; queryKey?: readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">] | undefined; staleTime?: number | undefined; refetchInterval?: number | false | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => number | false | undefined) | undefined; refetchIntervalInBackground?: boolean | undefined; refetchOnWindowFocus?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; 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}]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnReconnect?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; refetchOnMount?: boolean | "always" | ((query: Query<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]>) => boolean | "always") | undefined; retryOnMount?: boolean | undefined; notifyOnChangeProps?: NotifyOnChangeProps | undefined; throwOnError?: ThrowOnError<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; placeholderData?: bigint | PlaceholderDataFunction<bigint, ReadContractErrorType, bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; _optimisticResults?: "optimistic" | "isRestoring" | undefined; retry?: RetryValue<ReadContractErrorType> | undefined; retryDelay?: RetryDelayValue<ReadContractErrorType> | undefined; networkMode?: NetworkMode | undefined; gcTime?: number | undefined; queryFn?: QueryFunction<bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; 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}]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">], never> | undefined; persister?: ((queryFn: QueryFunction<bigint, readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">], never>, context: { queryKey: readonly ["readContract", Omit<ReadContractOptions<readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "approve"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "balanceOf"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "account"; readonly type: "address"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "decimals"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint8"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "name"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "symbol"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "string"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "totalSupply"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly []; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "uint256"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transfer"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "transferFrom"; readonly stateMutability: "nonpayable"; readonly inputs: readonly [{ readonly name: "sender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "recipient"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "amount"; readonly type: "uint256"; }]; readonly outputs: readonly [{ readonly type: "bool"; }]; }], "balanceOf", [0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]; signal: AbortSignal; meta: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; }, query: Query<unknown, Error, unknown, QueryKey>) => bigint | Promise0x${string} ], Config>, "abi">]> | undefined; initialDataUpdatedAt?: number | (() => number | undefined) | undefined; structuralSharing?: boolean | (<T>(oldData: T | undefined, newData: T) => T) | undefined; _defaulted?: boolean | undefined; maxPages?: number | undefined; initialData?: bigint | InitialDataFunction |
apps/web/src/views/FarmAuction/hooks/useCurrentFarmAuction.ts | 29, 22 | Argument of type 'number | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/views/FarmAuction/hooks/useCurrentFarmAuction.ts | 79, 11 | Type 'Bidder | { account: string; farmName: string; tokenAddress: string; quoteToken: Token; tokenName: string; projectSite?: string | undefined; lpAddress?: string | undefined; position: null; samePositionAsAbove: boolean; isTopPosition: boolean; amount: BigNumber; }' is not assignable to type 'Bidder | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Farms/components/YieldBooster/components/ProxyFarmContainer.tsx | 36, 17 | 'farm.userData' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Farms/components/YieldBooster/components/ProxyFarmContainer.tsx | 45, 45 | Type '{ proxyAddress: 0x${string} ; boosterState: null; refreshActivePool: () => void; refreshProxyAddress: (options?: RefetchOptions | undefined) => Promise<QueryObserverResult<0x${string} , Error>>; proxyFarm: { userData: { allowance: BigNumber; tokenBalance: BigNumber; stakedBalance: BigNumber; earnings: BigNumber; } | undefined; apr?: number | undefined; lpRewardsApr?: number | undefined; liquidity?: BigNumber | undefined; dualTokenRewardApr?: number | undefined; tokenPriceBusd?: string | undefined; quoteTokenPriceBusd?: string | undefined; tokenAmountTotal?: BigNumber | undefined; quoteTokenAmountTotal?: BigNumber | undefined; lpTotalInQuoteToken?: BigNumber | undefined; lpTotalSupply?: BigNumber | undefined; lpTokenPrice?: BigNumber | undefined; tokenPriceVsQuote?: BigNumber | undefined; poolWeight?: BigNumber | undefined; boosted?: boolean | undefined; isStable?: boolean | undefined; stableSwapAddress?: string | undefined; stableLpFee?: number | undefined; stableLpFeeRateOfTotalFee?: number | undefined; lpTokenStakedAmount?: BigNumber | undefined; dual?: { token: Token; aptIncentiveInfo: number; } | undefined; token: Token; quoteToken: Token; pid: number; v1pid?: number | undefined; vaultPid?: number | undefined; lpSymbol: string; lpAddress: 0x${string} ; multiplier?: string | undefined; isCommunity?: boolean | undefined; auctionHostingStartSeconds?: number | undefined; auctionHostingEndDate?: string | undefined; }; shouldUseProxyFarm: boolean | undefined; }' is not assignable to type '{ boosterState: YieldBoosterState; refreshActivePool: (...args: any[]) => void; proxyFarm: {}; shouldUseProxyFarm: boolean; refreshProxyAddress: (...args: any[]) => void; proxyAddress: 0x${string} | undefined; }'. |
apps/web/src/views/Farms/hooks/getNonBscVaultFee.ts | 44, 56 | Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ account: Account | undefined; batch?: { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number | undefined; wait?: number | undefined; } | undefined; } | undefined; cacheTime: number; chain: Chain | undefined; key: string; name: string; pollingInterval: number; request: EIP1193RequestFn<WalletRpcSchema>; transport: TransportConfig<string, EIP1193RequestFn> & Record<string, any>; type: string; uid: string; addChain: (args: AddChainParameters) => Promise0x${string} >; getAddresses: () => Promise<GetAddressesReturnType>; getChainId: () => Promise0x${string} | Account | undefined = undefined>(args: PrepareTransactionRequestParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride, TAccountOverride, TParameterType>) => Promise<PrepareTransactionRequestReturnType<Chain, Account | undefined, TChainOverride, TAccountOverride, TParameterType>>; requestAddresses: () => Promise<RequestAddressesReturnType>; requestPermissions: (args: { [x: string]: Record<string, any>; eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }) => Promise<RequestPermissionsReturnType>; sendRawTransaction: (args: SendRawTransactionParameters) => Promise<0x${string} >; sendTransaction: <TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined = undefined>(args: SendTransactionParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signMessage: (args: SignMessageParameters<Account | undefined>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signTransaction: <TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined>(args: SignTransactionParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signTypedData: <const TTypedData extends { [x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[]; [x: string[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: function[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: address[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bool[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes1[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes2[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes3[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes4[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes18[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes17[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes5[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes31[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes30[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes29[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes28[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes27[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes26[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes25[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes23[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes22[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes21[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes20[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes19[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes15[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes14[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes13[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes12[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes11[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes10[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes9[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes7[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes6[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int56[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int40[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int48[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int64[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int72[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int80[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int88[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int96[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int104[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int112[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int120[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int128[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int136[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int144[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int152[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int160[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int168[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int176[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int184[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int192[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int200[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int208[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int216[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int224[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int232[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int240[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int248[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int256[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint56[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint40[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint48[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint64[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint72[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint80[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint88[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint96[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint104[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint112[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint120[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint128[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint136[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint144[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint152[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint160[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint168[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint176[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint184[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint192[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint200[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint208[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint216[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint224[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint232[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint240[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint248[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint256[${string}] ]: undefined; string?: undefined; address?: undefined; bool?: undefined; bytes?: undefined; bytes1?: undefined; bytes2?: undefined; bytes3?: undefined; bytes4?: undefined; bytes18?: undefined; bytes17?: undefined; bytes5?: undefined; bytes32?: undefined; bytes31?: undefined; bytes30?: undefined; bytes29?: undefined; bytes28?: undefined; bytes27?: undefined; bytes26?: undefined; bytes25?: undefined; bytes24?: undefined; bytes23?: undefined; bytes22?: undefined; bytes21?: undefined; bytes20?: undefined; bytes19?: undefined; bytes16?: undefined; bytes15?: undefined; bytes14?: undefined; bytes13?: undefined; bytes12?: undefined; bytes11?: undefined; bytes10?: undefined; bytes9?: undefined; bytes8?: undefined; bytes7?: undefined; bytes6?: undefined; int56?: undefined; int40?: undefined; int32?: undefined; int24?: undefined; int16?: undefined; int8?: undefined; int48?: undefined; int64?: undefined; int72?: undefined; int80?: undefined; int88?: undefined; int96?: undefined; int104?: undefined; int112?: undefined; int120?: undefined; int128?: undefined; int136?: undefined; int144?: undefined; int152?: undefined; int160?: undefined; int168?: undefined; int176?: undefined; int184?: undefined; int192?: undefined; int200?: undefined; int208?: undefined; int216?: undefined; int224?: undefined; int232?: undefined; int240?: undefined; int248?: undefined; int256?: undefined; uint56?: undefined; uint40?: undefined; uint32?: undefined; uint24?: undefined; uint16?: undefined; uint8?: undefined; uint48?: undefined; uint64?: undefined; uint72?: undefined; uint80?: undefined; uint88?: undefined; uint96?: undefined; uint104?: undefined; uint112?: undefined; uint120?: undefined; uint128?: undefined; uint136?: undefined; uint144?: undefined; uint152?: undefined; uint160?: undefined; uint168?: undefined; uint176?: undefined; uint184?: undefined; uint192?: undefined; uint200?: undefined; uint208?: undefined; uint216?: undefined; uint224?: undefined; uint232?: undefined; uint240?: undefined; uint248?: undefined; uint256?: undefined; } | { [key: string]: unknown; }, TPrimaryType extends string>(args: SignTypedDataParameters<TTypedData, TPrimaryType, Account | undefined>) => Promise<0x${string} >; switchChain: (args: SwitchChainParameters) => Promise0x${string} >; extend: <const client extends { [x: string]: unknown; account?: undefined; batch?: undefined; cacheTime?: undefined; chain?: undefined; key?: undefined; name?: undefined; pollingInterval?: undefined; request?: undefined; transport?: undefined; type?: undefined; uid?: undefined; } & Partial<ExtendableProtectedActions>>(fn: (client: Client<Transport, Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, WalletRpcSchema, WalletActions<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined>>) => client) => Client<Transport, Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, WalletRpcSchema, { [K in keyof client]: client[K]; } & WalletActions<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined>>; } | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Farms/hooks/getNonBscVaultFee.ts | 45, 63 | Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ account: Account | undefined; batch?: { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number | undefined; wait?: number | undefined; } | undefined; } | undefined; cacheTime: number; chain: Chain | undefined; key: string; name: string; pollingInterval: number; request: EIP1193RequestFn<WalletRpcSchema>; transport: TransportConfig<string, EIP1193RequestFn> & Record<string, any>; type: string; uid: string; addChain: (args: AddChainParameters) => Promise0x${string} >; getAddresses: () => Promise<GetAddressesReturnType>; getChainId: () => Promise0x${string} | Account | undefined = undefined>(args: PrepareTransactionRequestParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride, TAccountOverride, TParameterType>) => Promise<PrepareTransactionRequestReturnType<Chain, Account | undefined, TChainOverride, TAccountOverride, TParameterType>>; requestAddresses: () => Promise<RequestAddressesReturnType>; requestPermissions: (args: { [x: string]: Record<string, any>; eth_accounts: Record<string, any>; }) => Promise<RequestPermissionsReturnType>; sendRawTransaction: (args: SendRawTransactionParameters) => Promise<0x${string} >; sendTransaction: <TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined = undefined>(args: SendTransactionParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signMessage: (args: SignMessageParameters<Account | undefined>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signTransaction: <TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined>(args: SignTransactionParameters<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, TChainOverride>) => Promise<0x${string} >; signTypedData: <const TTypedData extends { [x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[]; [x: string[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: function[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: address[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bool[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes1[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes2[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes3[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes4[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes18[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes17[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes5[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes31[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes30[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes29[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes28[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes27[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes26[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes25[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes23[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes22[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes21[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes20[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes19[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes15[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes14[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes13[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes12[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes11[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes10[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes9[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes7[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: bytes6[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int56[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int40[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int48[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int64[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int72[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int80[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int88[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int96[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int104[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int112[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int120[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int128[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int136[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int144[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int152[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int160[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int168[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int176[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int184[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int192[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int200[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int208[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int216[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int224[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int232[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int240[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int248[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: int256[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint56[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint40[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint32[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint24[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint16[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint8[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint48[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint64[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint72[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint80[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint88[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint96[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint104[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint112[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint120[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint128[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint136[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint144[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint152[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint160[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint168[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint176[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint184[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint192[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint200[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint208[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint216[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint224[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint232[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint240[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint248[${string}] ]: undefined; [x: uint256[${string}] ]: undefined; string?: undefined; address?: undefined; bool?: undefined; bytes?: undefined; bytes1?: undefined; bytes2?: undefined; bytes3?: undefined; bytes4?: undefined; bytes18?: undefined; bytes17?: undefined; bytes5?: undefined; bytes32?: undefined; bytes31?: undefined; bytes30?: undefined; bytes29?: undefined; bytes28?: undefined; bytes27?: undefined; bytes26?: undefined; bytes25?: undefined; bytes24?: undefined; bytes23?: undefined; bytes22?: undefined; bytes21?: undefined; bytes20?: undefined; bytes19?: undefined; bytes16?: undefined; bytes15?: undefined; bytes14?: undefined; bytes13?: undefined; bytes12?: undefined; bytes11?: undefined; bytes10?: undefined; bytes9?: undefined; bytes8?: undefined; bytes7?: undefined; bytes6?: undefined; int56?: undefined; int40?: undefined; int32?: undefined; int24?: undefined; int16?: undefined; int8?: undefined; int48?: undefined; int64?: undefined; int72?: undefined; int80?: undefined; int88?: undefined; int96?: undefined; int104?: undefined; int112?: undefined; int120?: undefined; int128?: undefined; int136?: undefined; int144?: undefined; int152?: undefined; int160?: undefined; int168?: undefined; int176?: undefined; int184?: undefined; int192?: undefined; int200?: undefined; int208?: undefined; int216?: undefined; int224?: undefined; int232?: undefined; int240?: undefined; int248?: undefined; int256?: undefined; uint56?: undefined; uint40?: undefined; uint32?: undefined; uint24?: undefined; uint16?: undefined; uint8?: undefined; uint48?: undefined; uint64?: undefined; uint72?: undefined; uint80?: undefined; uint88?: undefined; uint96?: undefined; uint104?: undefined; uint112?: undefined; uint120?: undefined; uint128?: undefined; uint136?: undefined; uint144?: undefined; uint152?: undefined; uint160?: undefined; uint168?: undefined; uint176?: undefined; uint184?: undefined; uint192?: undefined; uint200?: undefined; uint208?: undefined; uint216?: undefined; uint224?: undefined; uint232?: undefined; uint240?: undefined; uint248?: undefined; uint256?: undefined; } | { [key: string]: unknown; }, TPrimaryType extends string>(args: SignTypedDataParameters<TTypedData, TPrimaryType, Account | undefined>) => Promise<0x${string} >; switchChain: (args: SwitchChainParameters) => Promise0x${string} >; extend: <const client extends { [x: string]: unknown; account?: undefined; batch?: undefined; cacheTime?: undefined; chain?: undefined; key?: undefined; name?: undefined; pollingInterval?: undefined; request?: undefined; transport?: undefined; type?: undefined; uid?: undefined; } & Partial<ExtendableProtectedActions>>(fn: (client: Client<Transport, Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, WalletRpcSchema, WalletActions<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined>>) => client) => Client<Transport, Chain | undefined, Account | undefined, WalletRpcSchema, { [K in keyof client]: client[K]; } & WalletActions<Chain | undefined, Account | undefined>>; } | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Farms/hooks/useBCakeProxyContractAddress.ts | 12, 71 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/Farms/hooks/useFarmCProxyAddress.ts | 8, 50 | Argument of type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/views/Home/components/CakeDataRow.tsx | 109, 59 | Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'bigint'. |
apps/web/src/views/Home/components/CakeDataRow.tsx | 111, 56 | Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'bigint'. |
apps/web/src/views/Home/components/CakeDataRow.tsx | 180, 71 | Argument of type 'bigint' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/views/Ifos/components/IfoVesting/VestingPeriod/Claim.tsx | 44, 59 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} | Account'. |
apps/web/src/views/Ifos/components/IfoVesting/VestingPeriod/Claim.tsx | 45, 79 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} | Account'. |
apps/web/src/views/LiquidStaking/hooks/useLiquidStakingApprovalStatus.tsx | 25, 12 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/LiquidStaking/hooks/useLiquidStakingApprovalStatus.tsx | 31, 30 | Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Value'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 12, 34 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 17, 25 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 17, 66 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 30, 63 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 30, 63 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 32, 35 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 32, 35 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 33, 20 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 34, 55 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/ActivityHistory/utils/fetchActivityNftMetadata.tsx | 35, 30 | 'activity.nft' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 47, 53 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 65, 20 | Type '{ marketData: TokenMarketData | null | undefined; location: NftLocation; tokenId: string; name: string; description: string; collectionName: string; collectionAddress: 0x${string} ; image: Image; attributes?: NftAttribute[] | undefined; createdAt?: string | undefined; updatedAt?: string | undefined; meta?: Record<string, string | number> | undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'NftToken'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 69, 27 | Type 'NftAttribute[] | undefined' is not assignable to type 'NftAttribute[]'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 70, 24 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 70, 60 | Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 73, 22 | Type '{ marketData: TokenMarketData | null | undefined; location: NftLocation; tokenId: string; name: string; description: string; collectionName: string; collectionAddress: 0x${string} ; image: Image; attributes?: NftAttribute[] | undefined; createdAt?: string | undefined; updatedAt?: string | undefined; meta?: Record<string, string | number> | undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'NftToken'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 74, 25 | Type '{ marketData: TokenMarketData | null | undefined; location: NftLocation; tokenId: string; name: string; description: string; collectionName: string; collectionAddress: 0x${string} ; image: Image; attributes?: NftAttribute[] | undefined; createdAt?: string | undefined; updatedAt?: string | undefined; meta?: Record<string, string | number> | undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'NftToken'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/OneOfAKindNftPage/index.tsx | 77, 31 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 60, 5 | No overload matches this call. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 69, 78 | Argument of type '(string | undefined)[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string[]'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 72, 41 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 103, 25 | 'current.attributes' is possibly 'undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 104, 41 | Property 'attributes' does not exist on type 'never'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 105, 25 | Argument of type 'NftToken' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 188, 19 | Type 'number | null' is not assignable to type 'number | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Collection/IndividualNFTPage/shared/MoreFromThisCollection.tsx | 188, 71 | Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/Home/Newest.tsx | 37, 21 | Argument of type '({ marketData: TokenMarketData; tokenId: string; name: string; description: string; collectionName: string; collectionAddress: 0x${string} ; image: Image; attributes?: NftAttribute[] | undefined; createdAt?: string | undefined; updatedAt?: string | undefined; location?: NftLocation | undefined; meta?: Record<string, string | number> | undefined; } | null)[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SetStateAction<NftToken[] | null>'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/hooks/useGetLowestPrice.ts | 17, 3 | Type 'string | null' is not assignable to type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/hooks/useGetLowestPrice.ts | 53, 56 | Type 'number | null | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'. |
apps/web/src/views/Nft/market/hooks/useGetLowestPrice.ts | 61, 39 | Argument of type 'string | false' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 98, 7 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 112, 7 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 137, 19 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'void | Destructor'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 138, 19 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'void | Destructor'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 139, 19 | Type 'false | void' is not assignable to type 'void | Destructor'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 140, 19 | Type 'false | void' is not assignable to type 'void | Destructor'. |
apps/web/src/views/PancakeSquad/components/Buttons/BuyTickets.tsx | 141, 19 | Type 'false | void | null' is not assignable to type 'void | Destructor'. |
apps/web/src/views/PositionManagers/hooks/useAdapterInfo.ts | 83, 5 | Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'bigint'. |
apps/web/src/views/PositionManagers/hooks/useAdapterInfo.ts | 84, 5 | Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'bigint'. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useClaimPottery.tsx | 22, 9 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} | Account'. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useClaimPottery.tsx | 34, 42 | Argument of type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useDepositPottery.tsx | 25, 54 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useDepositPottery.tsx | 38, 42 | Argument of type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useWithdrawPottery.tsx | 22, 51 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useWithdrawPottery.tsx | 22, 60 | Type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to type '0x${string} '. |
apps/web/src/views/Pottery/hooks/useWithdrawPottery.tsx | 35, 42 | Argument of type '0x${string} | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. |
apps/web/src/views/Profile/components/EditProfileModal/ApproveCakeView.tsx | 34, 14 | 'cakeContract' is possibly 'null'. |
apps/web/src/views/Profile/components/EditProfileModal/ApproveCakeView.tsx | 35, 9 | Argument of type '{ address: 0x${string} | undefined; chain: Chain | undefined; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ value?: undefined; gas?: bigint | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; gasPrice?: bigint | undefined; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; type?: "legacy" | undefined; accessList?: undefined; account: 0x${string} | Account; chain: Chain | null | undefined; dataSuffix?: 0x${string} | undefined; } | { value?: undefined; gas?: bigint | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; gasPrice?: bigint | undefined; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; type?: "eip2930" | undefined; accessList?: AccessList | undefined; account: 0x${string} | Account; chain: Chain | null | undefined; dataSuffix?: 0x${string} | undefined; } | { value?: undefined; gas?: bigint | undefined; nonce?: number | undefined; gasPrice?: undefined; maxFeePerGas?: bigint | undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint | undefined; type?: "eip1559" | undefined; accessList?: AccessList | undefined; account: 0x${string} | Account; chain: Chain | null | undefined; dataSuffix?: 0x${string} | undefined; }'. |
apps/web/src/views/ProfileCreation/UserName.tsx | 81, 66 | Argument of type 'undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | (() => string)'. |
apps/web/src/views/ProfileCreation/UserName.tsx | 91, 28 | Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property. |
apps/web/src/views/ProfileCreation/UserName.tsx | 99, 28 | Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property. |
apps/web/src/views/ProfileCreation/UserName.tsx | 125, 22 | Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property. |
apps/web/src/views/ProfileCreation/UserName.tsx | 220, 15 | No overload matches this call. |
apps/web/src/views/Swap/MMLinkPools/utils/exchange.ts | 16, 47 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/views/Swap/MMLinkPools/utils/exchange.ts | 28, 50 | Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type. |
apps/web/src/views/Swap/MMLinkPools/utils/exchange.ts | 99, 109 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'OrderBookRequest'. |
apps/web/src/views/Swap/MMLinkPools/utils/exchange.ts | 131, 92 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'SmartRouterTrade<TradeType>'. |
apps/web/src/views/Swap/MMLinkPools/utils/exchange.ts | 146, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'bigint'. |
apps/web/src/views/Swap/MMLinkPools/utils/exchange.ts | 147, 5 | Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'CurrencyAmount<Currency>'. |
apps/web/src/views/Voting/helpers.ts | 244, 30 | Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. |
198 new errors added Note : in some rare cases, new errors can be existing errors but with different locations