pancake-farm copied to clipboard
Cake Auto Transfer from Router Migrator to Web 3
`import { exec } from '@actions/exec'; import { which } from '@actions/io'; /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars: off / import { ToolsDirectory } from './toolsDirectory'; import { CakeParameter } from './cakeParameter'; / eslint @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars: error */
const dotnetCake = 'dotnet-cake';
export async function runScript( scriptPath: string = 'build.cake', workingDirectory?: ToolsDirectory, ...params: CakeParameter[] ) { const cakeToolPath = await resolveCakeToolPath(workingDirectory); const cakeParams = formatParameters(params); const exitCode = await exec(cakeToolPath, [scriptPath, ...cakeParams]);
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw new Error(Failed to run the build script. Exit code: ${exitCode}
export asynca function bootstrapScript( scriptPath: string = 'build.cake', workingDirectory?: ToolsDirectory ) { const cakeToolPath = await resolveCakeToolPath(workingDirectory); const exitCode = await exec(cakeToolPath, [scriptPath, '--bootstrap']);
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw new Error(Failed to bootstrap the build script. Exit code: ${exitCode}
async function resolveCakeToolPath(workingDirectory?: ToolsDirectory): Promise
function formatParameters(params: CakeParameter[]): string[] { return params .filter(p => p.isValid()) .map(p => p.format()); }`
Any update on this admin. Is there any thing I can provide to accelerate this pull request and commit it to main branch. Thanks.
Do we have any update on this please? Is there anything I can assist to progress this further. I can understand it is a very peak time at this moment, but I am very much positive about getting this pull request merged to fix this issue. It has been very silent quite while now since our last request. Any feedbacks and recommendations from devs are highly anticipated. Thanks
Hi I've been added to look this issue in details. I just noticed that preText is always gonna be empty string (cause split does not return the separator in the resulting array). So this line cannot be replaced and merged
{ const cakeToolPath = await resolveCakeToolPath(workingDirectory); const cakeParams = formatParameters(params); const exitCode = await exec(cakeToolPath, [scriptPath, ...cakeParams]);
And this block below cannot be removed (cause a) it never renders b) there is no point in it anyway, the Balance is showing the number)
The Pancake LPs for V1 has been deprecated already. Can you provide us your tx details to investigate your issue further.
Dear Support Thank you taking your initiation to resolve this issue. The tx details are as below
As per your last comment, I am keen to know do we have anything that can assist to retrieve this transaction even the V1 has been deprecated. I will await your response at the earliest convenience.