pancake-farm copied to clipboard
Farming and pools seems not be working on testnet
We are tryting to make pancakeswap to work on bsc testnet. What we have done is as follows.
We have renamed the cake token to another token e.g BarToken with Symbol BARS We have added liquidity using Router V2 and Factory V2 and we have added liquidity using pancakeswap swap interface and everything seems to be working fine on this side. We renamed the Lp tokens on factory contract.
Than we fork the pancake-swap frontend and deployed the contracts for.
- SyrupBar (provided token address when deploying)
- MasterChef (provided srypbar address and token address and change the ownership of syrupbar and caketoken)
- Souchef
- LP pair contract generated by factory after adding liquidity using pancakeswap-frontend core.
We have added these contracts in config files for contracts, pools, farms and tokens. We also updated wbnb bsc testnet contract.
The problem is that we are not able to approve pool and not able to farm which has pair BARS-BNB(we double check the address). The wallet address is also the contract owners for all these contract.
After some debugging we find that the allownaces are getting undefined for pools and farms.
Did we miss anything?
I have the same problem as you
We are tryting to make pancakeswap to work on bsc testnet. What we have done is as follows.
We have renamed the cake token to another token e.g BarToken with Symbol BARS We have added liquidity using Router V2 and Factory V2 and we have added liquidity using pancakeswap swap interface and everything seems to be working fine on this side. We renamed the Lp tokens on factory contract.
Than we fork the pancake-swap frontend and deployed the contracts for.
- SyrupBar (provided token address when deploying)
- MasterChef (provided srypbar address and token address and change the ownership of syrupbar and caketoken)
- Souchef
- LP pair contract generated by factory after adding liquidity using pancakeswap-frontend core.
We have added these contracts in config files for contracts, pools, farms and tokens. We also updated wbnb bsc testnet contract.
The problem is that we are not able to approve pool and not able to farm which has pair BARS-BNB(we double check the address). The wallet address is also the contract owners for all these contract.
After some debugging we find that the allownaces are getting undefined for pools and farms.
Did we miss anything?
Bro i can't find the code piece that filters but i'm sure that farms meant to work on mainnet as far as i see. In my fork even interface can't find the pools but it creates the pool i see the contract working fine with my factory and router and same as you all my contracts has deployed fresh including WBNB.
I successfully connected PancakeSwap UI with Exchange and Farm in that I am able to stack LP tokens and harvest also But I am facing an issue to display APR, Liquidity, and Multiplier on the Farm list page.
I successfully connected PancakeSwap UI with Exchange and Farm in that I am able to stack LP tokens and harvest also But I am facing an issue to display APR, Liquidity, and Multiplier on the Farm list page.
Hi @SevenbitsMayur, did you find any solution to this? I'm currently facing the same problem.
I successfully connected PancakeSwap UI with Exchange and Farm in that I am able to stack LP tokens and harvest also But I am facing an issue to display APR, Liquidity, and Multiplier on the Farm list page.
Hey! I managed to fix this problem by changing a few things. I documented all my changes to get this to work but I did not doc which change actually fixed it. But it was one of these 3 changes.
- Change file src>config>constants>farms.ts < match the pids in your farm in here. 2 Change file src>state>hooks.ts and fetchFarmsPrices.ts on line 76. For fetchFarmsPrices make sure it matches the pid you are using for pid 252.
- Make sure you change your actual token address within src>config>constants>tokens.ts on lines 6, and 70.
This is for mainnet on #3. Make sure to use 97 if you're using testnet
I successfully connected PancakeSwap UI with Exchange and Farm in that I am able to stack LP tokens and harvest also But I am facing an issue to display APR, Liquidity, and Multiplier on the Farm list page.
Now i can approve contract for farms , but can't add liquidity value for farms . can you share config for farm apply .I can't get lpAddress and pid for config farms liquidity