Thank you for your response; it seems like it should solve the issue with Chinese recognition. However, I downloaded the Obsidian to Anki plugin from Obsidian's built-in "Third-party Plugins" section,...
That's cool, Chinese tags can now be displayed correctly. Thank you for your response, and I wish you a good mood~ 太酷了,中文标签可以正常显示了,谢谢您的回复,祝您好心情~
谢谢,但标签系统主要涉及分类,一般以简短词组呈现,故对我而言常用语足够使用了。 虽然我在敲这段字时,也想到可能会涉及用emoji符号来做标签——但目前在我的笔记系统中我并不打算去使用它 当然从程序的通用性角度而言,让正则表达式可以适用更多的表达方式,当然是好事情~ Thank you, but the tagging system mainly involves categorization, typically presented as short phrases, so common language is sufficient for my use. Although it occurred to me...
当然,看起来这个表达式更加简洁些 Of course, this expression seems to be more concise. `const OBS_TAG_REGEXP = /#([\S]+)/g` --- but it seems not good --- now i use this regexp `const OBS_TAG_REGEXP = /#(\p{L}+)/gu`...
哇,你进一步对表达式的修改实在太酷了,我只会些非常基本的正则表达式,所以非常感谢你的持续修改。 对笔记里的标签系统,我刚开始探索,所以当你提及嵌套标签时,我也突然意识到在obsidian里的嵌套表现与anki里的嵌套表现应该是不一样的。 anki里的嵌套标签表现为: 技能::编程 但obsidian里嵌套标签表现为: #技能/编程 所以从obsidian 里读取嵌套标签后,估计要经过转换才能被读取吧? Wow, your further modifications to the expression are really cool. I only know some very basic regular expressions, so I am very...
哦,抱歉,我的表述可能有问题,导致您的理解出现偏差 我想表达的意思是:在obsidian里的嵌套表达是这样:#编程/程序,它在程序中的表现逻辑上是这样的 (见图) 在Anki里的嵌套表达是这样:编程::程序,它在程序中的表现逻辑上这样的(见图) 所以我才说需要进行格式上的转换,才能使obsidian里的嵌套标签可以在anki里正常显示,即在obsidian里读取的“/”要转换成anki里的“::” 但回归笔记系统本质来讲,是否需要一个嵌套标签也其实是个值得考虑的问题? Oh, sorry, there might have been an issue with how I expressed myself, leading to a misunderstanding on your part. What I meant to...
Haha, the tagging feature is already pretty good now. Thank you for your patience in answering these past few days. Thank you, and wish you happiness and joy. Previously, my...
> Ohh, I see, maybe in the future the plugin will have the ability to transform obsidian nested tags into anki nested tags without the need to modify the original...