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Demos created using TensorFlow.JS
Demos Created using TensorFlow.JS
Facemesh-Camera.html :
Real-time Face Tracking using TensorFlow.js
Takes live video stream from webcam and creates facemesh
(facial feature-map) by capturing 468 facial landmark points
To run using .mp4 video file, simply add
<source src="VIDEO_PATH" type="video/mp4">
tag inside <video> </video> in HTML
and comment out live_webcam() function call..
Link to TensorFlow.JS FaceMesh model:
Body-Segment.html :
Body Segmentation using TensorFlow.JS Body-Pix model
Takes live video stream from web camera, and runs
segmentation using Body-Pix model from TensorFlow.JS
Link to TensorFlow.JS Body-Pix model :
Video-Tagging.html :
Identifies animal species in Wild-Life documentary films using
Mobile-Net Image Classification model in TensorFlow.JS
Link to TensorFlow.JS Mobile-Net model :
Sample video : wild-life.mp4
Object-Detection.html :
Marks Bounding Boxes around the Objects detected in the video using
TensorFlow.JS COCO-SSD model..
Link to TensorFlow.JS COCO-SSD model :
Activity-Recognition.html :
Builds a KNN Classifier for Sports Activity Recognition using
Transfer Learning on a pre-trained model Mobile-Net
Link to KNN Classifier in TensorFlow.JS :
Activity Recognition can be performed in 3 simple steps:
1. Compile training video which demonstrates various sports activities
that you want to capture automatically using Machine Learning
2. For each activity, capture few screenshots from the training video
and tag them manually to train the knn-classifier
3. Run predictions using the knn-classifier
Chroma-Key.html :
Extracts person from an input video stream using Body-Pix model in
TensorFlow.JS and replaces the video backdrop
Sample background images are provided in 'backdrops' directory
Link to TensorFlow.JS Body-Pix model:
Hand-Tracking.html :
Using Hand-Gestures to move objects in Virtual / Augmented Worlds
Hand Positions are tracked using Hand-Pose model in TensorFlow.JS
Link to Hand-Pose model:
More gesture-controlled features to Pause, Browse, Scroll, Zoom Media Stream to be added..
Sound-Box.html :
Music Generation using Hand-Gestures
Generates sounds using Tone.JS Java Script library,
based on Hand Positions captured by TensorFlow.JS Hand-Pose model..
Each sound-box at (x, y) produces a sound with frequency f(x,y)
Link to Tone.JS library:
Tech Stack: TensorFlow.JS, JavaScript, HTML5, Mobile-Net, Knn-Classifier, Coco-SSD, Tone.JS