improvlists copied to clipboard
A site for cataloging improv games and making set lists of them
Improv games & lists
This project provides instructions and setlists for dozens of improv games.
These are setlists of improv games. You can use these to run improv clubs with friends or colleagues, or to run one-off improv workshops.
- Counting Scenes
- Genres
- Collaboration
- Musical Improv
- Storytelling
- Getting in Character
- Rhythms & Raps
- Trippy Stories
Series: Scene Games
Inspired by Berkeley Rep class with Kasey.
Series: Stories, Secrets, and Movies
Inspired by Berkeley Rep class with Bobby August.
- Story Telling & Revealing
- Stories, Puns, & Movies
- Settings, Genres, and Stories
- Starting with Silence
- Instructions, Stories, and Scenes
- Duo & Trio Scenes
- Word Games
- Names, Feelings, and Scenes
- Groups and Movies
- Scene Techniques
These are not particularly thematic setlists.