Pablo Alonso
Pablo Alonso
sorry @Galvo87! It was a mistake in my example script. I've updated the script and double-checked that it works. The loader had to be configured first and then called.
The simplest approach would be to modify this script to receive a list of files to process with something like `argparse`. > ```python > import argparse > from essentia.standard import...
Hi @dgoldenberg-audiomack, The problem is that `Loudness` expects a stream of `vector_real` instead of `real`, which is the output of `EasyLoader`. You can use `RealAccumulator` to compute the loudness of...
@dgoldenberg-audiomack thank you very much for the feedback! Regarding your question, `integratedLoudness` is a single value suitable for your purpose. Assuming that your music is normalized to full scale (i.e.,...
> Could you provide an example or point me at a snippet which performs this type of normalization? Sure, using numpy: ```python normalized_audio = audio / np.max(np.abs(audio)) ``` For additional...
Yes, you can reuse the algorithms. Following the example: ```python files = ["file_1", "file_2"] # initialize algorithms we will use loader = EasyLoader() loudness = Loudness() accumulator = RealAccumulator() #...
Dissonance Dissonance expects `frequencies` and `magnitudes` as output from [SpectralPeaks]( This requires extracting the spectrum in a frame-wise manner to extract the peaks. The algorithm chain would be: ` EasyLoader/MonoLoader...
> I wonder if it may be of benefit to allow the caller to not connect some of the outputs to sinks? You can discard an algorithm's output like this:...
> Questions: > > I noticed that AudioLoader outputs a sampleRate and LoudnessEBUR128 has sampleRate as one of its parameters. With the way the code is written so far, would...
1. By default use the latest version available at ``. In this case, confusion may appear from the difference between the danceability [classifiers]( (v1, and v2) and [classification heads]( (v1)....