Pablo Alonso
Pablo Alonso
Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open if there is any question about the provided solutions.
Hi @piyp791, please consider that Essentia algorithms[ are not thread-safe](, so you should use process-based parallelization. The neural-network inference is the most computationally expensive part in your script. This could...
I agree with @Bomme. Probably modifying the API behaviour is not that problematic given that the current default is not deterministic. What concerns me more are the extractor algorithms depending...
OpenL3: Correct! VGGish: Correct. [We use]( FrameCutter with the default `startFromZero=false`, and we do not center the first patch at zero in this case. Every frame jumps 160 / 16kHz...
Thank you for your contribution @AhmetOguzOzturk, I tested the new behavior and found that [testNoOverlap]( is not passing with the new window type. This means that the algorithm behaves worse...
Normally we use it with half-overlapped frames but the algorithm supports different amounts of overlap.
thanks @dhunstack! I could partially replicate the issue on my Mac M2 13.4 with Python 3.10 installed with brew. In my case, SDL2 was available from brew since packages such...
our python wheels with `sdl2` inside are not deployed yet. As a temporary solution, can you manually install it via brew (`brew install sdl2`) and let me know if the...
> thanks @dhunstack! > > I could partially replicate the issue on my Mac M2 13.4 with Python 3.10 installed with brew. In my case, SDL2 was available from brew...
hi @LDMFD, right, the Tensorflow-related algorithms are ignored by default, but we don't have a mechanism to prevent creating the Tensor types. I can see that [similar problems]( occur in...