Pall Sigurdsson
Pall Sigurdsson
Caveats with this patch: Existing developers need to run the following: git submodule init git submodule update Or simpler, when cloning a new adagios repo from github use: git clone...
Any comments, from @pall-valmundsson or @tomas-edwardsson ?
We don't have that ability right now, although the feature is not a bad idea. I am willing to mentor if anyone is willing to take this on.
So, I am seeing a few problems with this patch, which have made me hesitant to merge it in. I think maybe we should discuss this a little more on...
Agreed the feature is nice, but i wonder if it is simpler to install something that has a strong focus on being a full-fledged git ui. git-webui comes to mind.
This can get complicated quite fast, if the change you want to revert is not the latest one.
It would be git revert (not reset), and from adagios perspective this is complicated, because adagios user might not be aware of how git works. For example, consider the situation...
@tomas-edwardsson would be the perfect candidate to solve this, but he is away until next week. @matthieucan, seems to me like the work around solution [1] is the way to...
@tomas-edwardsson do you have anything to add to that ?
I don't think anyone is actively working on this. Anyone interested in completing this ?