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implementation working with @prisma/clientv3.9.1 using nexus-plugin-prisma with crud support (nexus-prisma is too early stage)
Hi there, i did some success to make work the dashboard with prisma3 and the old nexus-plugin-prisma with crud support Just here to share some code and thought , in aim to help others and to save the hack process i use here @paljs last version 4.1 i use last version of nexus-plugin-prisma
nexus-prisma seems still not stable,and i found nexus-plugin-prisma interesting because the crud support
prisma has got some breaking code. also thanks for the help
I did the admin dashboard work and tested with the full-stack-gatsbyjs code example (didnt test for other example)
pal.js code for nexus-plugin-prisma
const pageContent = `
import React from 'react';
import PrismaTable from '../../../components/PrismaTable';
const #{id}: React.FC = () => {
return <PrismaTable model="#{id}" />;
export default #{id};
module.exports = {
backend: {
generator: 'nexus-plugin-prisma', //change nexus by nexus-plugin-prisma
adminSettingsPath: 'packages/server/adminSettings.json',
output: 'packages/server/src/graphql',
frontend: {
admin: {
outPut: 'packages/ui/src/pages/admin/models',
to generate correctly code before to use pal generate hack files to support prisma 3: (thanks for the help) @paljs/generator/dist/generator.cjs.development.js (well i just copy paste brut code here)
OrderByInput should become OrderByWithRelationInput (else throw error type error in generation) and some adjustment as described on line 1341
case 'findUnique':
fileContent.push("t.crud.findUnique" + _this.upperModel(modelName.singular) + "()");
case 'findMany':
fileContent.push("t.crud.findMany" + _this.upperModel(modelName.singular) + "({ filtering: true, ordering: true })");
case 'findCount':
if (!exclude.includes('findMany')) {
fileContent.push("t.field('findMany" + _this.upperModel(modelName.singular) + "Count', {\n type: 'Int',\n args: {\n where: '" + + "WhereInput',\n },\n async resolve(_root, args, ctx) {\n return ctx.prisma." + modelName.singular + ".count(args" + (_this.isJS ? '' : ' as any') + ")\n },\n })");
case 'findFirst':
if (!exclude.includes('findMany')) {
fileContent.push("t.field('findFirst" + + "', {\n type: '" + + "',\n args: {\n where: '" + + "WhereInput',\n orderBy: arg({ type: '" + + "OrderByWithRelationInput' }),\n cursor: '" + + "WhereUniqueInput',\n skip: 'Int',\n take: 'Int',\n },\n async resolve(_root, args, ctx) {\n return ctx.prisma." + modelName.singular + ".findFirst(args" + (_this.isJS ? '' : ' as any') + ")\n },\n })");
transformation for prisma3 : in your code /node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/naming-strategies.js
exports.defaultFieldNamingStrategy = {
//findUnique: (_, modelName) => camelcase_1.default(modelName),
//findMany: (_, modelName) => camelcase_1.default(pluralize_1.default(modelName)),
findUnique: (_, modelName) => `findUnique${modelName}`,
findMany: (_, modelName) => `findMany${modelName}`,
server/src/nexusSchema.js add some code to support fully and add crud types
import { makeSchema } from 'nexus'
import * as types from './graphql'
import { paljs } from '@paljs/nexus'
import { nexusPrisma } from 'nexus-plugin-prisma';
import { join } from 'path'
export const schema = makeSchema({
plugins: [paljs({ includeAdmin: true }),nexusPrisma({
// Enable or disable auto-generation of the `crud` abilities.
experimentalCRUD: true,
paginationStrategy: "prisma",
// These are the generation paths for `nexus-plugin-prisma`,
// it currently generates one typegen file that is unique
// to your prisma schema. NB: This gets read at RUNTIME, so
// if your outputting js to a ./dist folder you'll want to
// take that into account when making the path so that you
// can instead output into something like `./src/generated`
// or any other folder that you have your tsconfig.json set
// up to look into it (rarely is this dist!)
outputs: {
typegen: join(
outputs: {
schema: __dirname + '/../schema.graphql',
typegen: __dirname + '/generated/nexus.ts',
sourceTypes: {
modules: [
module: require.resolve('../../../node_modules/.prisma/client/index.d.ts'), //point correctly with the prisma
alias: 'PrismaClient',
contextType: {
module: join(__dirname, 'context.ts'),
export: 'Context',
after making these mods here regenerate paljs
paljs g check your code generated by paljs in server/src/graphql and add some of your customs files (Auth..) in server run npm run generate:prisma and then 'npm run generate:nexus' check output code at the root npm run codegen finally npm run dev work well
Hope to have some interest on it coz seems lot of people struggle to make working new prisma and nexus