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Plugin for Gerrit enabling self-service continuous integration workflows with Jenkins.

WARNING: No longer developed or maintained

We stopped using this plugin in Palantir a few years ago, and have not maintained this plugin in some time. If you have forked this repo and have been maintaining it and would like to become the new upstream, send us a note and we'll link to your project from this README.

Gerrit-CI BuildStatus Issues

Plugin for Gerrit enabling self-service continuous integration workflows with Jenkins.

The intent of Gerrit-CI is to add a self-service CI dashboard to the Gerrit user interface. This will enable project owners to create customized Jenkins jobs with a few simple clicks. Gerrit-CI was inspired by Stashbot and has similar goals, although there are differences in the way it operates.

User Guide

Job Types

There are currently two job types, Verify and Publish. Each has a specific purpose, and it is important to follow the guidelines below when configuring your jobs and writing build scripts.


Verify jobs are intended to build the project's code, run any tests, and report back with success/failure. They will be triggered whenever a new change is created or a new patch set is uploaded to an existing change, for branches matching the configured verify branch regular expression. They will also be triggered if a draft change or patch set is uploaded to these branches.

Jenkins will comment on the change with a link to the build when it starts running. When it is finished, Jenkins will comment with the results of the build. Additionally, Jenkins will give a +1 value for the Verified label if the build was successful and a -1 value if the build failed (this can be configured in the settings for the Gerrit-trigger plugin on the Jenkins server).

The name of the created job on the Jenkins server will be gerrit-ci_<projectName>_verify, where <projectName> is the name of your project with all forward slashes converted to underscores. For example, the verify job created for public/gerrit-ci will be named gerrit-ci_public_gerrit-ci_verify.


Publish jobs are intended to do everything a verify job does in addition to publishing a resultant artifact. For branches matching the publish branch regular expression, publish jobs will be triggered when a ref (e.g. branch or tag) is updated.

The name of the created job on the Jenkins server will be gerrit-ci_<projectName>_publish, where <projectName> is the name of your project with all forward slashes converted to underscores. For example, the publish job created for public/gerrit-ci will be named gerrit-ci_public_gerrit-ci_publish.

Configuration Options

Gerrit Top Menu

To get to the configuration screen for your project, follow these steps:

  1. Click Projects in the Gerrit top menu
  2. Click List and find your project
  3. Now that your project is selected, click Gerrit-CI in the submenu at the top of the screen.

This will bring you to the Gerrit-CI settings page for your project.

Job Enabled

When this checkbox is checked, a verify or publish job (depending on which checkbox was checked) will be created on the Jenkins server for the current project. If the box is unchecked and the configuration is saved, the job that was previously present on the Jenkins server will be deleted.

Branch Regex

The branch regex text box specifies a regular expression that should be used to select branches to trigger Jenkins builds for. These expressions should match the full ref name (e.g. refs/heads/master, refs/sandbox/palantir, or refs/heads/develop). For verify jobs, the default regex is .*. This matches every branch that has been created for the project and will run a verify build when any of the branches are updated with new changes or patch sets. The default regex for publish jobs is refs/heads/(develop|master). This matches only two branches, develop and master. The branches matched by the publish branch regex should be a subset of the branches matched by the verify branch regex. This way, all changes that will be merged and published will get verified first.

Run Command

The build will run the command placed here after preparing the build node. It will also be the last command run, so the command should return 0 for a successful build and nonzero for a failed build. The default command for verify jobs is ./scripts/ and the default command for publish jobs is ./scripts/ This is encouraging the idea that your build commands should not be entered directly into the text boxes. Instead, the build commands for your project should be placed into scripts that are version controlled with the rest of the project.

Timeout Minutes

This specifies the number of minutes to wait before automatically aborting the build. In order to abort the build, Jenkins uses the build-timeout plugin. Once the timeout is reached, Jenkins behaves as if an invisible hand has clicked the "abort build" button.

Junit Enabled

This checkbox flags Jenkins to publish test reports produced by various supported testing tools in Junit test report format. The location of generated raw XML or other report files (such as '**/build/cppunit-reports/*.xml') is specified in "Junit test results location". Test results can thus be recorded and monitored by Jenkins.


Getting the plugin up and running is fairly straightforward:

$ git clone
$ ./gradlew build

That will build the jar - which you can find in ./build/libs/gerrit-ci.jar

Assuming the gerrit is running on localhost, this command will install the plugin (switch out the proper hostname for localhost for remote installs):

$ ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin install -n gerrit-ci.jar - ./build/libs/gerrit-ci.jar

Admin Guide

In order for Gerrit-ci to create, update, and launch jobs on the Jenkins server, Jenkins and Gerrit must be configured to communicate. This setup is done on the gerrit-ci plugin settings's page as follows:

  1. On the Gerrit's Installed Plugin page, click on the gerrit-ci settings gear.
  2. Fill in the fields as required, and click "Save and update."

A brief explanation of the fields is given below:

  1. Jenkins Url : The URL of the Jenkins server Gerrit should create jobs on.
  2. Gerrit User : The Gerrit user that Jenkins will use to clone projects and create comments on changes in Gerrit.
  3. Jenkins User : The Jenkins user that Gerrit will use to create, update, and delete jobs.
  4. Jenkins Password : The password for the Jenkins user above. The user's API token can also be used.
  5. Credentials Id : In order to get this value, you must first create a SSH Credential on the Jenkins server. This is documented here: Once you have created this, configure a job to use the credential and then retreive for the <credentialsId> tag in the job's XML configuration.


For those interested in contributing/extending gerrit-ci, we've tried to make it as possible. Using Vagrant, you can spin up a VM running both Gerrit and Jenkins. The build system knows how to push updated plugins directly into the VM to make the testing cycle faster.



The project uses Vagrant to standardize the development environment, so you must download the latest version of the Vagrant installer for your operating system. Installers can be found here:


Gerrit-CI uses everybody's favorite build system, Gradle. Installation instructions can be found at

Initial Setup

First, clone the repo. Then, run vagrant up from within the new cloned directory.

This will download and configure a CentOS7 VM for development use. It will also download, install, and configure Gerrit and Jenkins servers. The configuration of these servers is completely handled within the Vagrant provisioning process. When vagrant up finishes, the servers will be ready for installing a build of the plugin. Also, Vagrant sets up port forwarding so ports 8000, 8080, and 29418 on the host machine are forwarded to the VM. This means you can access the running servers from the host machine without needing to SSH into the VM first.

Build & Install

There are several Gradle tasks defined for your use:


Builds the source code into a JAR file located in ./build/libs.


Copies the JAR file in ./build/libs to ~/gerrit/plugins on the vagrant VM. This is the directory where plugin JARs need to be stored in order to be loaded by Gerrit. This command also forces Gerrit to reload the plugins instantly. This process usually would happen at some point, but it is nice to be able to force it to happen without waiting.


Performs all these tasks in the correct order. This is the Gradle task you will most likely always use. To run this task, use the following command:

$ ./gradlew all

Local Servers


The new local Gerrit server can be accessed at http://localhost:8080. Additionally, the SSH API can be accessed via port 29418. Use the following command to access the SSH API:

$ ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit

Use the following commands to manage the daemon (from within a vagrant ssh session):

~/gerrit/bin/ start
~/gerrit/bin/ stop
~/gerrit/bin/ restart

If Gerrit won't start due to an error like No index versions ready; run Reindex, run the following command (also from within a vagrant ssh session):

$ java -jar ~/gerrit.war reindex


The new local Jenkins server can be accessed at http://localhost:8000.


Copyright 2015, Palantir Technologies.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.