blueprint copied to clipboard
svg-icon - (path: (fill: #5f6b7c)) isn't a valid CSS value
I am trying to build the sass in custom webpack setup. I get this error ☝️
It is reproducible in the example below 👇 using create-react-app
I think it has to do with the @vgrid/sass-inline-svg
, but I don't have anything like this locally.
Is this even expected to work anymore?
- Package version(s): @blueprintjs/core - 4.4.0
- Operating System: Windows 10
- Browser name and version: Chrome 102.0.5005.62
Code Sandbox
Steps to reproduce
- Open sandbox
- Check
Actual behavior
Fails to compile sass
Expected behavior
Should compile without issues ... like in v3
You will have to include the Sass plugins Blueprint uses in order to re-compile its Sass source code. See more discussion about this in and my comment here
@adidahiya Thanks for the answer! Still I have not managed to figure out a way around this issue.
As I understand, If I can't build imported sass files I can't use the sass variables to customize components. From what I know CSS vars are not supported.
For this to work @vgrid/sass-inline-svg
should be part of my app build and I should also have the icon files locally, however I can't seem to find a way to use it with webpack in sass-loader
as a custom function. I assume it should go there somewhere...
Also @vgrid/sass-inline-svg
was introduced in as part of the dart-sass migration, but @vgrid/sass-inline-svg
still depends on node-sass
. IMO kind of weird.
Maybe I am missing something out.. any feedback appreciated.
As you said in your comments locking to 4.0.0
works without issues.
@adidahiya I am running into the same issue, when trying to use BlueprintJs with ViteJs, any progress or tips to work around it?
@adidahiya I am running into the same issue, when trying to use BlueprintJs (version > 4.1.0) with React18. What blueprint css plugin are you referring to address the issue?
This is our build script to compile our Sass sources:
Note that I don't recommend pinning yourself to version ~4.0.0
, that's just a way to prevent build breakage from automatic upgrades. You should always try to upgrade to the latest version of Blueprint, as we continuously release bug fixes and improvements.
We've migrated to dart-sass and we're not going back, so I suggest trying to get your build working with the latest Blueprint if you have the time to upgrade. If you can share your experience & roadblocks along the way so the Blueprint community can learn from them, that's even better. Perhaps try the suggestion of the @use
syntax here:
I'm experiencing the same issue.
my index.scss file use blueprint, with a custom primary color.
@use '@blueprintjs/core/src/blueprint' with (
$pt-intent-primary: $custom-primary-color,
I initially had this issue:
SassError: (path: (fill: #5f6b7c)) isn't a valid CSS value.
39 │ background: svg-icon("16px/chevron-right.svg", (path: (fill: $pt-icon-color)));
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
node_modules\@blueprintjs\core\src\components\breadcrumbs\_breadcrumbs.scss 39:54 @import
this problem come from a missing function:
I was able to duplicate it in my webpack config, but .... the resources folder does not exists in the @blueprintjs core or icons dependency.
Any clue on how I can fix this ?
Thanks for your help :-)
Hi @knalinne How did you add the function to webpack? Can you show code?
As for ../../resources/icons
.. I guess you can copy this folder from blueprint repo, add it to your project and make build resolve from there.
Hello @yshterev I do not directly use webpack, I use craco.
I copied the function in my config file:
// craco.config.js
const CracoEsbuildPlugin = require("craco-esbuild");
const inliner = require("@vgrid/sass-inline-svg");
module.exports = {
plugins: [{ plugin: CracoEsbuildPlugin }],
style: {
sass: {
loaderOptions: {
// functions from blueprint :
sassOptions: {
functions: {
"svg-icon($path, $selectors: null)": inliner("resources/icons", {
// run through SVGO first
optimize: true,
// minimal "uri" encoding is smaller than base64
encodingFormat: "uri",
As you suggest, I copied the resources folder in the root of my project and it seems to work.
Hey! How to solve this with vite?
With, you will be able to re-use Blueprint's SVG icon inliner if you want to compile its source files:
import { sassSvgInlinerFactory } from "@blueprintjs/node-build-scripts";
import sass from "sass";
const sassFunctions = {
* Sass function to inline a UI icon svg and change its path color.
* Usage:
* svg-icon("16px/icon-name.svg", (path: (fill: $color)) )
"svg-icon($path, $selectors: null)": sassSvgInlinerFactory("path/to/resources/icons", {
optimize: true,
encodingFormat: "uri",
const inputFilePath = "...";
const result = await sass.compileAsync(inputFilePath, {
functions: sassFunctions,
// more Sass options
or, in webpack config (EDIT: this doesn't currently work, see
import { sassSvgInlinerFactory } from "@blueprintjs/node-build-scripts";
import sass from "sass";
const sassFunctions = {
* Sass function to inline a UI icon svg and change its path color.
* Usage:
* svg-icon("16px/icon-name.svg", (path: (fill: $color)) )
"svg-icon($path, $selectors: null)": sassSvgInlinerFactory("path/to/resources/icons", {
optimize: true,
encodingFormat: "uri",
export default {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.scss$/,
use: [
loader: require.resolve("sass-loader"),
options: {
sassOptions: {
functions: sassFunctions,
or, just use the sass-compile
script included in @blueprintjs/node-build-scripts.
Note that you will have to continue copying the resources/icons
directory from this repo, since that's not available in an NPM package. I might publish those icon files in a more official public API at some point.