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Support remote unix socket forwarding

Open sergio-bershadsky opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

sergio-bershadsky avatar Feb 18 '18 17:02 sergio-bershadsky

OpenSSH >= 6.7 can use Unix domain socket forwarding

That means the reverse tunnel endpoint will be an UNIX listening socket instead of a traditional TCP listening socket.

For shared systems this can provide a more secure remote endpoint than a TCP socket.

omad avatar May 25 '20 02:05 omad

Who can provide some pseudo-code for this feature? Does anyone have any idea about how to implement it?

pahaz avatar Oct 31 '20 09:10 pahaz

I would like to have this feature, too. The use case is: forwarding of UNIX socket of Docker daemon to a local socket.

aellwein avatar Dec 14 '20 16:12 aellwein

I think this might depend on paramiko adding a feature ( before it's possible in sshtunnel.

takluyver avatar Jun 08 '22 14:06 takluyver