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Pure python MVC design pattern example

Example of the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern on the pure Python. Writen for the "Use Python in the Web" course of the IMKN (Institute Mathematics and Computer Science) at the UrFU (Ural Federal University) in 2015 by Pavel Blinov.

Old version: https://github.com/pahaz/Example-of-MVC-pattern-on-pure-Python-2014

  • WSGI and WebServer: wsgi.py, server.py
  • Model: model.py, manager.py
  • View: view.py
  • Controller: controller.py, router.py


 +-------------+          +------+            |   +-------+   |  
 | application |          | view | -------------> | model |   |  
 +-------------+          +------+            |   +-------+   |  
        |                     ^               |       ^       |  
        |                     |               |       |       |  
 +------v---------------------|---------+     |       |       |  
 |  +--------+         +------------+   |     |  +---------+  |  
 |  | router | ------> | controller | ---------> | manager |  |  
 |  +--------+         +------------+   |     |  +---------+  |  
 +--------------------------------------+     +---------------+  

A -> B -- the component A knows the interface of the component B