Andrea Pagnani
Andrea Pagnani
> never mind, you already uploaded that. Can you upload the full stack trace? Hi @wsmoses thanks for the timely reply. [Here]( the complete (and scary) stacktrace. > However @pagnani...
Added [this issue ]( )on Tullio's repo. A
Hi @psp3dcg. Sorry for the late reply. We do not save any "officially trained model", particularly, because the training is very fast. How large is the dataset of interest for...
Hi @psp3dcg, I saw you reopened this. Anything else I can do here?
We used ArDCA for many protein families. In the Readme of the package we mention a companion repo [ArDCAData]( with data from 5 protein families (PF00014, PF00072, PF00076, PF00595, PF13354)....