pokerogue copied to clipboard
Add localization for type symbols
I noticed that the type symbols (with text) are all currently in english.
Of course creating them all by hand for every language would be a lot of work so i want to make a suggestion that we create them on the fly.
I created some code that does this (rudementary). Of course a real implementation needs to be a lot better. For example my text is still kind of blurry.
Here is the code: (also it is no typescript just javascript)
* Generates an image with specified background color, text, rounded corners, a lighter top row,
* and a black bottom row, ensuring the text fits with at least 1px spacing all around.
* @param width The width of the image.
* @param height The height of the image.
* @param backgroundColor The background color of the image.
* @param text The text to display in the image.
* @param font The initial font style and size to use for the text.
* @returns The canvas element with the drawn image.
function createImage(width, height, backgroundColor, text, font = '20px Verdana') {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Set canvas dimensions
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
// Disable image smoothing for sharper text
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// Rounded corners setup
const radius = 4; // radius of the rounded corners
ctx.moveTo(radius, 0);
ctx.lineTo(width - radius, 0);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(width, 0, width, radius);
ctx.lineTo(width, height - radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(width, height, width - radius, height);
ctx.lineTo(radius, height);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(0, height, 0, height - radius);
ctx.lineTo(0, radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(0, 0, radius, 0);
// Draw background
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Draw top lighter row
ctx.fillStyle = adjustBrightness(backgroundColor, 20);
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, 1);
// Draw bottom black row
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(0, height - 1, width, 1);
// Prepare text properties
ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; // Text color for contrast
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
// Start with a large font size and decrease until text fits with padding
let fontSize = Math.min(width, height) * 0.9; // Start with 90% of the smaller dimension
let metrics;
const padding = 2; // Minimum padding around text
do {
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Verdana`;
metrics = ctx.measureText(text);
fontSize -= 1; // Reduce font size gradually
} while (metrics.width > width - 2 * padding || fontSize > height - 2 * padding);
// Draw text in the center of canvas
ctx.fillText(text, width / 2, height / 2);
return canvas;
* Adjusts the brightness of a hex color.
* @param color Hex color code.
* @param percent Percentage to lighten (positive) or darken (negative).
* @returns Modified color as hex string.
function adjustBrightness(color, percent) {
let r = parseInt(color.slice(1, 3), 16);
let g = parseInt(color.slice(3, 5), 16);
let b = parseInt(color.slice(5, 7), 16);
r = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, r + Math.round(r * percent / 100)));
g = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, g + Math.round(g * percent / 100)));
b = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, b + Math.round(b * percent / 100)));
return `#${(r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}`;
// Example usage: append to body when window loads
window.onload = () => {
// Normal type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8A878', 'Normal'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8A878', 'Normal')); // German
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8A878', 'Normal')); // French
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8A878', 'Normal')); // Spanish
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8A878', 'Normale')); // Italian
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8A878', '一般')); // Chinese
// Fire type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F08030', 'Fire'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F08030', 'Feuer'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F08030', 'Feu'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F08030', 'Fuego'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F08030', 'Fuoco'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F08030', '火'));
// Water type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#6890F0', 'Water'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#6890F0', 'Wasser'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#6890F0', 'Eau'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#6890F0', 'Agua'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#6890F0', 'Acqua'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#6890F0', '水'));
// Electric type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F8D030', 'Electric'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F8D030', 'Elektro'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F8D030', 'Électrik'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F8D030', 'Eléctrico'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F8D030', 'Elettro'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F8D030', '电'));
// Grass type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#78C850', 'Grass'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#78C850', 'Pflanze'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#78C850', 'Plante'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#78C850', 'Planta'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#78C850', 'Erba'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#78C850', '草'));
// Ice type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#98D8D8', 'Ice'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#98D8D8', 'Eis'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#98D8D8', 'Glace'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#98D8D8', 'Hielo'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#98D8D8', 'Ghiaccio'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#98D8D8', '冰'));
// Fighting type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#C03028', 'Fighting'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#C03028', 'Kampf'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#C03028', 'Combat'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#C03028', 'Lucha'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#C03028', 'Lotta'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#C03028', '斗'));
// Poison type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A040A0', 'Poison'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A040A0', 'Gift'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A040A0', 'Poison'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A040A0', 'Veneno'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A040A0', 'Veleno'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A040A0', '毒'));
// Ground type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#E0C068', 'Ground'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#E0C068', 'Boden'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#E0C068', 'Sol'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#E0C068', 'Tierra'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#E0C068', 'Terra'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#E0C068', '地面'));
// Flying type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A890F0', 'Flying'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A890F0', 'Flug'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A890F0', 'Vol'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A890F0', 'Volador'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A890F0', 'Volante'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A890F0', '飞行'));
// Psychic type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F85888', 'Psychic'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F85888', 'Psycho'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F85888', 'Psy'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F85888', 'Psíquico'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F85888', 'Psico'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#F85888', '超能'));
// Bug type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8B820', 'Bug'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8B820', 'Käfer'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8B820', 'Insecte'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8B820', 'Bicho'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8B820', 'Coleottero'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#A8B820', '虫'));
// Rock type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8A038', 'Rock'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8A038', 'Gestein'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8A038', 'Roche'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8A038', 'Roca'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8A038', 'Roccia'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8A038', '岩石'));
// Ghost type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705898', 'Ghost'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705898', 'Geist'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705898', 'Spectre'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705898', 'Fantasma'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705898', 'Fantasma'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705898', '幽灵'));
// Dragon type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#7038F8', 'Dragon'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#7038F8', 'Drache'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#7038F8', 'Dragon'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#7038F8', 'Dragón'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#7038F8', 'Drago'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#7038F8', '龙'));
// Dark type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705848', 'Dark'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705848', 'Unlicht'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705848', 'Ténèbres'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705848', 'Siniestro'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705848', 'Buio'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#705848', '暗'));
// Steel type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8B8D0', 'Steel'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8B8D0', 'Stahl'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8B8D0', 'Acier'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8B8D0', 'Acero'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8B8D0', 'Acciaio'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#B8B8D0', '钢'));
// Fairy type
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#EE99AC', 'Fairy'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#EE99AC', 'Fee'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#EE99AC', 'Fée'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#EE99AC', 'Hada'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#EE99AC', 'Folletto'));
document.body.appendChild(createImage(100, 20, '#EE99AC', '妖精'));
Here is a image of what it created (100% scale):
Ideas/a better implementation is welcome. Also i would like to hear from the dev team if something like this is even wanted
Also do not forget Stellar type!
Added stellar type (updates the code in the main post too)
Added stellar type (updates the code in the main post too)
But i see how the yellow part could make the text hard to read... Maybe we should add a border around the text
Again made a change to the size and now the text has a minimal black border for redability. The icons now are 64x28 and thus (as far as i can tell) double the size of the ones currently used but in the same aspect ratio so it should be pretty easy to swap them out
So i improved it again.
This code now runs locally and not in a browser and creates png files for every type:
const fs = require('fs');
const { createCanvas, registerFont} = require('canvas');
registerFont('./pokemon-emerald-pro.ttf', { family: 'Pokemon Emerald Pro' });
// Function to adjust the brightness of a hex color
function adjustBrightness(color, percent) {
let r = parseInt(color.slice(1, 3), 16);
let g = parseInt(color.slice(3, 5), 16);
let b = parseInt(color.slice(5, 7), 16);
r = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, r + Math.round(r * percent / 100)));
g = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, g + Math.round(g * percent / 100)));
b = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, b + Math.round(b * percent / 100)));
return `#${(r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}`;
// Function to create a basic image with rounded corners and text
function createImage(width, height, backgroundColor, text, originalType,language = 'en', font = '20px Verdana') {
const canvas = createCanvas(width, height);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
setupRoundedCorners(ctx, width, height);
drawBackground(ctx, width, height, backgroundColor);
drawText(ctx, width, height, text, language);
saveImage(canvas, language,originalType);
// Function to create a rainbow image with specified text
function createRainbowImage(width, height, text, originalType, language = 'en', font = '20px Verdana') {
const canvas = createCanvas(width, height);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
setupRoundedCorners(ctx, width, height);
drawRainbowBackground(ctx, width, height);
drawText(ctx, width, height, text, language);
saveImage(canvas, language,originalType);
// Set up rounded corners
function setupRoundedCorners(ctx, width, height) {
const radius = 4;
ctx.moveTo(radius, 0);
ctx.lineTo(width - radius, 0);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(width, 0, width, radius);
ctx.lineTo(width, height - radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(width, height, width - radius, height);
ctx.lineTo(radius, height);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(0, height, 0, height - radius);
ctx.lineTo(0, radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(0, 0, radius, 0);
// Draw background with a lighter top and black bottom row
function drawBackground(ctx, width, height, backgroundColor) {
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = adjustBrightness(backgroundColor, 20);
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(0, height - 1, width, 1);
// Draw rainbow gradient background
function drawRainbowBackground(ctx, width, height) {
const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, width, 0);
gradient.addColorStop(0, 'red');
gradient.addColorStop(0.15, 'orange');
gradient.addColorStop(0.3, 'yellow');
gradient.addColorStop(0.45, 'green');
gradient.addColorStop(0.6, 'blue');
gradient.addColorStop(0.75, 'indigo');
gradient.addColorStop(1, 'violet');
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(0, height - 1, width, 1);
// Draw text centered with border
function drawText(ctx, width, height, text,language) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
let fontSize = 45;
let metrics;
const padding = 2;
do {
if (language === 'zhCN') {
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Microsoft YaHei:`;
} else {
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Pokemon Emerald Pro`;
metrics = ctx.measureText(text);
fontSize -= 1;
} while (metrics.width > width - 2 * padding || fontSize > height - 2 * padding);
ctx.strokeText(text, width / 2, height / 2);
ctx.fillText(text, width / 2, height / 2);
// Save image to a file
function saveImage(canvas, language,typename) {
const buffer = canvas.toBuffer('image/png');
if (!fs.existsSync('types')) {
if (!fs.existsSync(`types/${language}`)) {
fs.writeFileSync(`types/${language}/${typename}.png`, buffer);
// Generate example images
// Normal type
createImage(128,56, '#A8A878', 'Normal','normal','en');
createImage(128,56, '#A8A878', 'Normal','normal','de');
createImage(128,56, '#A8A878', 'Normal','normal','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#A8A878', 'Normal','normal','es');
createImage(128,56, '#A8A878', 'Normale','normal','it');
createImage(128,56, '#A8A878', '一般','normal','zhCN');
// Fire type
createImage(128,56, '#F08030', 'Fire','fire','en');
createImage(128,56, '#F08030', 'Feuer','fire','de');
createImage(128,56, '#F08030', 'Feu','fire','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#F08030', 'Fuego','fire','es');
createImage(128,56, '#F08030', 'Fuoco','fire','it');
createImage(128,56, '#F08030', '火','fire','zhCN');
// Water type
createImage(128,56, '#6890F0', 'Water','water','en');
createImage(128,56, '#6890F0', 'Wasser','water','de');
createImage(128,56, '#6890F0', 'Eau','water','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#6890F0', 'Agua','water','es');
createImage(128,56, '#6890F0', 'Acqua','water','it');
createImage(128,56, '#6890F0', '水','water','zhCN');
// Electric type
createImage(128,56, '#F8D030', 'Electric','electric','en');
createImage(128,56, '#F8D030', 'Elektro','electric','de');
createImage(128,56, '#F8D030', 'Électrik','electric','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#F8D030', 'Eléctrico','electric','es');
createImage(128,56, '#F8D030', 'Elettro','electric','it');
createImage(128,56, '#F8D030', '电','electric','zhCN');
// Grass type
createImage(128,56, '#78C850', 'Grass','grass','en');
createImage(128,56, '#78C850', 'Pflanze','grass','de');
createImage(128,56, '#78C850', 'Plante','grass','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#78C850', 'Planta','grass','es');
createImage(128,56, '#78C850', 'Erba','grass','it');
createImage(128,56, '#78C850', '草','grass','zhCN');
// Ice type
createImage(128,56, '#98D8D8', 'Ice','ice','en');
createImage(128,56, '#98D8D8', 'Eis','ice','de');
createImage(128,56, '#98D8D8', 'Glace','ice','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#98D8D8', 'Hielo','ice','es');
createImage(128,56, '#98D8D8', 'Ghiaccio','ice','it');
createImage(128,56, '#98D8D8', '冰','ice','zhCN');
// Fighting type
createImage(128,56, '#C03028', 'Fighting','fighting','en');
createImage(128,56, '#C03028', 'Kampf','fighting','de');
createImage(128,56, '#C03028', 'Combat','fighting','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#C03028', 'Lucha','fighting','es');
createImage(128,56, '#C03028', 'Lotta','fighting','it');
createImage(128,56, '#C03028', '斗','fighting','zhCN');
// Poison type
createImage(128,56, '#A040A0', 'Poison','poison','en');
createImage(128,56, '#A040A0', 'Gift','poison','de');
createImage(128,56, '#A040A0', 'Poison','poison','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#A040A0', 'Veneno','poison','es');
createImage(128,56, '#A040A0', 'Veleno','poison','it');
createImage(128,56, '#A040A0', '毒','poison','zhCN');
// Ground type
createImage(128,56, '#E0C068', 'Ground','ground','en');
createImage(128,56, '#E0C068', 'Boden','ground','de');
createImage(128,56, '#E0C068', 'Sol','ground','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#E0C068', 'Tierra','ground','es');
createImage(128,56, '#E0C068', 'Terra','ground','it');
createImage(128,56, '#E0C068', '地面','ground','zhCN');
// Flying type
createImage(128,56, '#A890F0', 'Flying','flying','en');
createImage(128,56, '#A890F0', 'Flug','flying','de');
createImage(128,56, '#A890F0', 'Vol','flying','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#A890F0', 'Volador','flying','es');
createImage(128,56, '#A890F0', 'Volante','flying','it');
createImage(128,56, '#A890F0', '飞行','flying','zhCN');
// Psychic type
createImage(128,56, '#F85888', 'Psychic','psychic','en');
createImage(128,56, '#F85888', 'Psycho','psychic','de');
createImage(128,56, '#F85888', 'Psy','psychic','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#F85888', 'Psíquico','psychic','es');
createImage(128,56, '#F85888', 'Psico','psychic','it');
createImage(128,56, '#F85888', '超能','psychic','zhCN');
// Bug type
createImage(128,56, '#A8B820', 'Bug','bug','en');
createImage(128,56, '#A8B820', 'Käfer','bug','de');
createImage(128,56, '#A8B820', 'Insecte','bug','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#A8B820', 'Bicho','bug','es');
createImage(128,56, '#A8B820', 'Coleottero','bug','it');
createImage(128,56, '#A8B820', '虫','bug','zhCN');
// Rock type
createImage(128,56, '#B8A038', 'Rock','rock','en');
createImage(128,56, '#B8A038', 'Gestein','rock','de');
createImage(128,56, '#B8A038', 'Roche','rock','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#B8A038', 'Roca','rock','es');
createImage(128,56, '#B8A038', 'Roccia','rock','it');
createImage(128,56, '#B8A038', '岩石','rock','zhCN');
// Ghost type
createImage(128,56, '#705898', 'Ghost','ghost','en');
createImage(128,56, '#705898', 'Geist','ghost','de');
createImage(128,56, '#705898', 'Spectre','ghost','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#705898', 'Fantasma','ghost','es');
createImage(128,56, '#705898', 'Fantasma','ghost','it');
createImage(128,56, '#705898', '幽灵','ghost','zhCN');
// Dragon type
createImage(128,56, '#7038F8', 'Dragon','dragon','en');
createImage(128,56, '#7038F8', 'Drache','dragon','de');
createImage(128,56, '#7038F8', 'Dragon','dragon','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#7038F8', 'Dragón','dragon','es');
createImage(128,56, '#7038F8', 'Drago','dragon','it');
createImage(128,56, '#7038F8', '龙','dragon','zhCN');
// Dark type
createImage(128,56, '#705848', 'Dark','dark','en');
createImage(128,56, '#705848', 'Unlicht','dark','de');
createImage(128,56, '#705848', 'Ténèbres','dark','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#705848', 'Siniestro','dark','es');
createImage(128,56, '#705848', 'Buio','dark','it');
createImage(128,56, '#705848', '暗','dark','zhCN');
// Steel type
createImage(128,56, '#B8B8D0', 'Steel','steel','en');
createImage(128,56, '#B8B8D0', 'Stahl','steel','de');
createImage(128,56, '#B8B8D0', 'Acier','steel','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#B8B8D0', 'Acero','steel','es');
createImage(128,56, '#B8B8D0', 'Acciaio','steel','it');
createImage(128,56, '#B8B8D0', '钢','steel','zhCN');
// Fairy type
createImage(128,56, '#EE99AC', 'Fairy','fairy','en');
createImage(128,56, '#EE99AC', 'Fee','fairy','de');
createImage(128,56, '#EE99AC', 'Fée','fairy','fr');
createImage(128,56, '#EE99AC', 'Hada','fairy','es');
createImage(128,56, '#EE99AC', 'Folletto','fairy','it');
createImage(128,56, '#EE99AC', '妖精','fairy','zhCN');
// Stellar type
createRainbowImage(128,56, 'Stellar','stellar','en');
createRainbowImage(128,56, 'Stellar','stellar','de');
createRainbowImage(128,56, 'Stellaire','stellar','fr');
createRainbowImage(128,56, 'Astral','stellar','es');
createRainbowImage(128,56, 'Astrale','stellar','it');
createRainbowImage(128,56, '星晶','stellar','zhCN');
I think it is still easier to use image files in the game like it is currently thus i created this creator. This can easily can be expanded for new languages
Currently this uses a default windows font for chinese. and the pokemon emerald font for everything else.
Example screenshot for the german files:
Here a zip of files it created.
There seems to be some problems with the chinese text... I will look for a solution
There seems to be some problems with the chinese text... I will look for a solution
Fixed and updated in the last code i posted here
Will be talked about (and maybe used) in #789 But this here will be closed