pokerogue copied to clipboard
Secondary fusion component evolution moves can't be learned nor remembered
Level '0' learnset moves are not learned on evolution nor can they be remembered via Memory Mushroom
I ran into this as well; in this case, a Volcarona fusion could not remember Quiver Dance.
After running into this issue I looked into the code, and it seems like it's a simple fix (for the item) by copying/modifying a bit of logic in src/field/pokemon.ts from: to:
if (this.fusionSpecies) {
const evolutionLevelMoves = levelMoves.slice(0, Math.max(levelMoves.findIndex(lm => !!lm[0]), 0));
const fusionLevelMoves = this.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).getLevelMoves();
// here [
const fusionEvolutionLevelMoves = fusionLevelMoves.slice(0, Math.max(fusionLevelMoves.findIndex(flm => !!flm[0]), 0));
// ]
const newLevelMoves: LevelMoves = [];
while (levelMoves.length && levelMoves[0][0] < startingLevel) {
while (fusionLevelMoves.length && fusionLevelMoves[0][0] < startingLevel) {
if (includeEvolutionMoves) {
for (const elm of evolutionLevelMoves.reverse()) {
// and here [
for (const felm of fusionEvolutionLevelMoves.reverse()) {
// ]
Testing this change did indeed seem to fix the issue (though only for the Memory Mushroom item, I haven't looked into the level up logic yet):
Am I missing something or is this correct?
Oh apparently that fixes evolution not letting you learn the move either, after looking at the evolution logic it seemed to lead to the same place and testing it confirmed that it does fix both.