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Major routing syntax cleanup

Open nesquena opened this issue 13 years ago • 55 comments

Josh has some ideas for some fairly major routing API changes to cleanup the whole controller situation. The core of this is that there are a number of ambiguous or confusing options in Padrino right now and more then that http_router has caused us some issues and has required a lot of ugly monkeypatching.

Josh argued what if instead we just go back to using (and augmenting) sinatra's router rather then requiring http_router. More then that we can simplify the routing syntax.

This approach changes the following things:

  • Map syntax (deprecated)
  • With syntax (deprecated)
  • Parent syntax (deprecated)
  • Priority (changed to controller level?)

Below is a list of breaking api changes:

Basic Named Routes

The new syntax for named routes would be:

# verb alias, url
get :index, "/" do


get :show, "/:id/show" do


with the named route first and the url path second. Standard sinatra syntax is also supported.

Map Keyword

The map would be deprecated:

get :account, :map => "account/bar" do

and changed to:

get :account, "account/bar" do

The with keyword

get :account, :with => :id do

would be deprecated in favor of the more explicit:

get :account, "/:id" do


Controllers would still act as a natural grouping for routes and would be prefixed into the route paths:

SimpleApp.controllers :admin do

would still work (and append "/admin" to all contained routes), this would also work:

SimpleApp.controllers :admin, "/bar" do

which would change the prefix in a way consistent with the new mapping syntax.

SimpleApp.controllers "/admin" do

also still works.

The parent keyword

SimpleApp.controllers :product, :parent => :user do

would be more explicit:

SimpleApp.controllers :product, "/user/:user_id/products" do

The priority keyword

We would change priority to be for controllers rather than routes, i.e

get :show, :map => '/*page', :priority => :low do


MyApp.controllers :products, :priority => :low

nesquena avatar Jan 09 '12 22:01 nesquena

@achiu @DAddYE @skade I know this is a big change in some respects (favoring more explicitness) but I think this removes a lot of weird 'magic' and ambiguity in our routing. A new typical controller would look like:

MyApp.controller :posts, "/users/:user_id/posts" do
  before :index, :create do
    # ...

  get :index, "/" do
    # /posts/

  get :show, ":id" do
    # /posts/:id

  get :new, "new" do


  post :create, "/" do
    # /posts

  get :edit, ":id/edit" do


  put :update, ":id" do
    # /posts/:id

  delete :destroy, ":id" do
    # posts/:id

nesquena avatar Jan 09 '12 22:01 nesquena

yes this looks very dry and also much more RESTful. I'd like the named route to be appended rather than prefixed with the given id. get :edit, :id do #/customer/:id/edit Not like today where it's /customer/edit/:id

pke avatar Jan 10 '12 21:01 pke

Given the number of times I've tripped over the different keywords, I can only back this. The keywords where mostly inexpressive and with the new syntax I get the feeling that looking at a controller I might actually see my routes. :-)


bascht avatar Jan 10 '12 21:01 bascht

Yeah that's the way we saw it too. I think the number of keywords and the inconsistent behavior really only served to confuse

nesquena avatar Jan 10 '12 21:01 nesquena

Love it! +1, I prefer that @joshbuddy make it inside padrino instead of making patch/adapters.

DAddYE avatar Jan 11 '12 00:01 DAddYE

I agree with DAddYE on this one, as having as much as possibly tightly knitted to the other parts does indeed improve performance and readability.

Once (I don't know if it still is like that) you could define routes in Rails, where if the name of the route was :show and it wasn't mapped to a specific URI, it'd simply map it as /whatevers/:id, and not like Padrino does now, which is map it to /whatevers/:id/show. I would like to request this feature in padrino as well, unless of course it has been removed since, for a valid reason.

mkroman avatar Jan 11 '12 11:01 mkroman

+1 :D

WaYdotNET avatar Jan 11 '12 13:01 WaYdotNET

+1 for this. Every time I upgrade padrino I have problems with routes that start working in an inconsistent way.

basex avatar Jan 19 '12 14:01 basex

I would enjoy if there was no special meaning to route keys, but a way to configure those. For example:

get :show do


And somewhere else:

default :show => ':controller/:id'

skade avatar Jan 23 '12 20:01 skade

@nesquena I like it, can we start to write specs?

DAddYE avatar Jan 23 '12 23:01 DAddYE

Adding wiki to document changes in next major point release: Before releasing we need to document these breaking changes.

nesquena avatar Jan 26 '12 00:01 nesquena

Maybe I can help and contibute these mayor changes in the documentation page of padrino.

wikimatze avatar Jan 26 '12 08:01 wikimatze

Guys, why can't it be something as simple as:

get :index # => "/"
get :show, :id # => "/:id"
get :edit, :id # => "/edit/:id" (or as a special case "/:id/edit")
get :custom, :param1, :param2, :param3 # => "/custom/:param1/:param2/:param3"

Typing all those route strings for each action doesn't feel dry, especially for the routes like 'get :edit, ":id/edit"'. Ideally it can be something like

get :edit do |id|

mitya avatar Jan 27 '12 15:01 mitya

get :edit, :id # => "/:id/edit" feels more RESTlike. You specify the resource you want to edit first. Specifiying /edit/ first is RPC style, imho and always bothers me in padrino (thats why I write all my routes by hand).

pke avatar Jan 27 '12 15:01 pke

Yep, I agree that the /:id/edit looks better than /edit/:id, the point is that the get :edit, :id looks simpler than get :edit, ":id/edit", especially considering that there are a lot of actions with a single :id parameter.

mitya avatar Jan 27 '12 15:01 mitya

Fully agree with you. Routes should be simple to define in the first place in a REST based app.

pke avatar Jan 27 '12 16:01 pke


So whats your idea for overloading?

As I said, I would prefer some preconfigured, but flexible way to attach default routes to labels. For example:

module RouteGenerator
  #ensures that all :edit routes are generated as /:id/edit unless specified otherwise
  def edit

And in the end, edit is an oddball in REST anyways, as it is only needed for browsers, so you are pretty free. You could argue about that one for ages.

skade avatar Jan 27 '12 16:01 skade

Correct, edit is a special representation of the resource. One could argue that not only browsers but other apps could use this representation as well. Say for instance a fat client app that builds its edit form by using the /:id/edit.xml representation.

pke avatar Jan 27 '12 17:01 pke

@skade, about attaching routes to labels — that's definitely a good idea, but when you attach a route to a label than it will also make sense to attach a verb to the same label (eg attach :update, :put, ":id"), and then in all controllers action :update do ... end.

But the resulting API (action :update do ... end) will be one level of abstraction higher than the API used to define routes (the put :update, ":id" do end). So I think that attaching labels to routes can be built on top of the routing API (including the current one), but it should not be mixed with it.

mitya avatar Jan 27 '12 17:01 mitya

@mitya Padrino already uses the first argument as a label for generation, so it would not have to be build on top of it in any case.

skade avatar Jan 27 '12 17:01 skade

@nesquena +1 from me. I agree that the current routes are a bit too magical and doesn't feel right.

mcmire avatar Jan 30 '12 18:01 mcmire

Aren't you changing the behavior of with?

get :account, "/:id" do

This is the same syntax as map, so wouldn't that URL map to /:id instead of /account/:id?

ethnt avatar Mar 02 '12 13:03 ethnt

Butt howto include the "/" character in a parameter? like this:

    get :tree, "/:branch/:folder(.*$)"
    get :tree, :with => [:branch, :folder => /.*$/]

    params[:branch] = 'master'
    params[:folder] = '/lib/good/folder'

It''s not supported yet. And this is not supported too:

    get %r{/post/(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)} do|month,day,year|
      "Post requested from #{month}/#{day} in #{year}"

Current the only way is:

    get %r{/post/(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)} do
      month= params[:captures][0]
      day= params[:captures][1]
      year= params[:captures][2]

snowyu avatar Mar 09 '12 07:03 snowyu

btw, the Regular Expression named parameters can use too:

    get %r{/post/(?<month>\d\d)-(?<day>\d\d)-(?<year>\d\d\d\d)}, :name => 'post', :generate_with =>'/post/'  do
      "Post requested from #{params[:month]}/#{params[:day]} in #{params[:year]}"

And raise the "padrino rake routes" error

snowyu avatar Mar 09 '12 07:03 snowyu

ok, Got it in http_router:

get :index, '/tree/:branch/:dir', :dir => /.*/ do

snowyu avatar Mar 13 '12 08:03 snowyu

Also see #820 for a common problem: should we allow routes with the same name, but different signatures?

skade avatar Apr 01 '12 09:04 skade

If we're going to re-work routes, what do people think of making controllers classes instead of blocks? One of the big problems I have at the moment is that sharing functionality between routes is awkward. Right now I have a controller helper that has generic helper methods for controllers, but these are shared between all routes and controllers, so it turns into a big mess of seemingly unrelated methods.

With a controller class, you can define shared functionality as methods on the class. You also get inheritance, so like with my latest project, two controller that are very similar can share the majority of their code, with routes being overloaded only as needed. I just think class-based controllers give the user a lot more power without the awkwardness of the current controller block.

You'd still retain all of the current methods, e.g. you'd still have #get, #post, #put, etc, and access to the everything routes normally have access to. You're simply wrapping them in the construct of a class (which is instanced when a request comes in), instead of a block.


Wardrop avatar Apr 02 '12 09:04 Wardrop

+1 @Wardrop specially inheritance seems like good idea.

pepe avatar Aug 09 '12 19:08 pepe

@pepe I've actually since started writing my own sinatra/padrino-inspired framework as we speak. It's in it's early stages of implementation, but I've already spent a lot of time playing with and refining the API and core constructs. Class-based controllers which respond to #call are the main construct; every object in the stack is rack-compliant, even routes expect a rack environment hash. Everything is meant to plug and play. I'm really happy with how it's shaping up.

Sinatra itself is in need of a re-write which would suggest Padrino is probably equally so. I've been playing around with Sinatra, Padrino and Rack enough over the last 2 years to have a pretty good idea of what I want a ruby web framework to be, which is what Scorched will reflect. Thoughtful design is the projects #1 priority.

For a little more info, checkout the repo I only just created:

Wardrop avatar Aug 10 '12 12:08 Wardrop

what do you think?

# Funcional routing system...
# The method *desc* is not required, will be useful
# when you'll run
#   rake routes
# or if you have an api interface to generate a
# documentation.
# Functional controllers are an alternative to the block syntax
# do
  set :auto_run, true

  # Here some serious stuff
  desc 'Here the homepage'
  get '/' do
    # ...
      link_to url.index
    # ...

  desc 'Get blog post with mandatory ...'
  get '/post/(\d{2})/(\d{2})' do |month, year|
    # ...
      link_to, 12)
    # ...

  desc 'Here an example of crud'
  post blog: '/b-l-o-g/seo' do
    # ...
    #   here we add explicitly add a custom alias
    # ...

  # New idea for controllers, other than previous blocky syntax
  desc 'Start a functional controller'
  controller blog: '/blog'

  get do
    # link_to, class: 'custom', id: 'mine'
    # =>
    # link_to, class: 'custom', id: 'mine'
    # => /blog

  put do |id|
    # => link_to
    # ...

  del do |id|

  desc 'Back to main, but now to provide api support'
  controller '/'
  provides :json

  get '/fuck-this-seo-url' do
    # => url.fuck_this_seo_url

  get '/categories/' do

  provides :xml
  ### ... and now in xml

DAddYE avatar Dec 16 '12 05:12 DAddYE