parseScripts copied to clipboard
A simple abstraction to simplify the process of adding your own JavaScript enhancements. Read README.txt
parseScripts is copyright (c) James Padolsey (
'parseScripts' is a simple abstraction you can use the simplify the process of enhancing JavaScript syntax as you so desire.
To use it, markup your custom content/code in a SCRIPT element; make sure to give it a custom type attribute, e.g.
Then, at the end of your document (or on doc.ready) make a call to parseScripts in the following way:
parseScripts('mycoolstuff', function(unparsed){ // Valid JavaScript must be returned doStuffToParseMyCustomLanguage();
return parsed;
First argument can be a string or RegExp, the type will be tested against this to target specific SCRIPT elements within the document.
The second argument is a function to which the unprocessed textual content of the SCRIPT element will be passed; it's expected that valid JavaScript will be returned from the function...
-- More info: Watch: JAMES.PADOLSEY.COM