next-unused icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
next-unused copied to clipboard

Find unused files in your Next.js projects


next-unused is an easy way to find unused files in your Next.js project.


Install as a devDependency:

$ yarn add next-unused -D


In package.json, add a script to find unused files:

"scripts": {
  "find:unused": "next-unused"

Run the script to list any unused files:

$ yarn find:unused


Add a property to your package.json to configure next-unused:

  "next-unused": {
    "alias": {},
    "include": [],
    "exclude": [],
    "entrypoints": []
Property Type Default Description
debug boolean false turn on debug messages
alias object {} import aliases in webpack format ({ "@components": "components/" })
include string[] ['pages'] list of directories to search through. pages is always included
exclude string[] [] array of RegExp that exclude matching filenames
entrypoints string[] ['pages'] list of directories to use as entrypoints. pages is always included


Your Next.js setup looks like this:

├─ pages/
│  ├─ index.js
└─ components/
   ├─ button.js
   └─ image.js

And your pages/index.js contains:

import Button from '../components/button'

export default () => {
  return (
    <Button>Click me</Button>

Configure next-unused to include the components directory in package.json:

  "next-unused": {
    "include": ["components"]

Running next-unused will output:

Found 1 unused file:


Shu and Luc wrote the initial version of this script.