easy-pdk-mini copied to clipboard
Padauk MCU programmer variant for hand soldering.
Easy PDK mini is the programmer hardware variant originated from easy-pdk-programmer-hardware project.
Schematics was simplified and the "lite" version of the programmer by tim_ was used as a base for this project, so in difference with the original hardware, this version works without MOSFET boost converter enable switch and negative voltage charge pump for the opamp.
Interactive BOM: link
Hand soldering
All passives have at least 0805 size, and the USB-B port was used instead of micro-USB, so it should be easy to solder this programmer by the hand. The only quirky parts which may be hard to solder is STM32 MCU and MT3608 boost converter.
Although existing "lite" version of easy-pdk-programmer (which was used as a reference for this project) is relatively simple by itself, some additional simplifications was made:
- Removed 20Ohm USB series resistors. According to STM32F072 datasheet: "No external termination series resistors are required on USB_DP (D+) and USB_DM (D-); the matching impedance is already included in the embedded driver"
- Replaced boot button with simple jumper
- Replaced 47uF boost converter output capacitor with two 22uF caps to simplify process of finding components (In my city I was not able to find 47uF 16v, while it was easy to find 22uF 25V)
- Added pull-down resistor for PB8 to make programmer detect as "lite" hardware
- Added 500mA 6v PTC fuse