packageurl-python icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Python implementation of the package url spec. This project is sponsored by NLnet project , the Google Summer of Code, nexB and other generous sponsors...

================= packageurl-python

Python library to parse and build "purl" aka. Package URLs. See for details.

Join the discussion at or enter a ticket for support.

License: MIT

Tests and build status

+----------------------+ | Tests and build | +======================+ | |ci-tests| | +----------------------+



pip install packageurl-python



>>> from packageurl import PackageURL

>>> purl = PackageURL.from_string("pkg:maven/org.apache.commons/[email protected]")
>>> print(purl.to_dict())
{'type': 'maven', 'namespace': 'org.apache.commons', 'name': 'io', 'version': '1.3.4', 'qualifiers': None, 'subpath': None}

>>> print(purl.to_string())
pkg:maven/org.apache.commons/[email protected]

>>> print(str(purl))
pkg:maven/org.apache.commons/[email protected]

>>> print(repr(purl))
PackageURL(type='maven', namespace='org.apache.commons', name='io', version='1.3.4', qualifiers={}, subpath=None)


Django models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

packageurl.contrib.django.models.PackageURLMixin is a Django abstract model mixin to use Package URLs in Django.

SQLAlchemy mixin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

packageurl.contrib.sqlalchemy.mixin.PackageURLMixin is a SQLAlchemy declarative mixin to use Package URLs in SQLAlchemy models.

URL to PURL ^^^^^^^^^^^

packageurl.contrib.url2purl.get_purl(url) returns a Package URL inferred from an URL.


>>> from packageurl.contrib import url2purl
>>> url2purl.get_purl("")
PackageURL(type='github', namespace='package-url', name='packageurl-python', version=None, qualifiers={}, subpath=None)

PURL to URL ^^^^^^^^^^^

  • packageurl.contrib.purl2url.get_repo_url(purl) returns a repository URL inferred from a Package URL.
  • packageurl.contrib.purl2url.get_download_url(purl) returns a download URL inferred from a Package URL.
  • packageurl.contrib.purl2url.get_inferred_urls(purl) return all inferred URLs (repository, download) from a Package URL.


>>> from packageurl.contrib import purl2url

>>> purl2url.get_repo_url("pkg:gem/[email protected]")

>>> purl2url.get_download_url("pkg:gem/[email protected]")

>>> purl2url.get_inferred_urls("pkg:gem/[email protected]")
["", ""]

Run tests

Install test dependencies::

python3 thirdparty/virtualenv.pyz --never-download --no-periodic-update .
bin/pip install -e ."[test]"

Run tests::

bin/py.test tests

Make a new release

  • Start a new release branch

  • Update the CHANGELOG.rst, AUTHORS.rst, and README.rst if needed

  • Bump version in setup.cfg

  • Run all tests

  • Install restview and validate that all .rst docs are correct

  • Commit and push this branch

  • Make a PR and merge once approved

  • Tag and push that tag. This triggers the pypi-release.yml workflow that takes care of building the dist release files and upload those to pypi::

    VERSION=v0.x.x git tag -a $VERSION -m "Tag $VERSION" git push origin $VERSION

  • Review the GitHub release created by the workflow at

.. |ci-tests| image:: :target: :alt: CI Tests and build status