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error calling plugin_processBlock() : not enough memory

Open nandoflorestan opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

I have a MIDI effect that, after a while, errors out with the message

error calling plugin_processBlock() : not enough memory

and stops doing anything.

My code is the following:

require "include/protoplug"
-- Use CC 4 to interfere with dynamics on CC 1.

CC = {}
CC.dynamic = 1
CC.interferic = 4

outEvents = {}
Channel = {}
function Channel:new(channelNumber)
	self.__index = self
	local o = {dynamic = 64, interferic = 64, channel = channelNumber}
	setmetatable(o, self)
	return o

function Channel:dynamicEvent(pos)
	local value = math.min(127, math.max(0, self.dynamic + (self.interferic - 64)))
	-- print(self.dynamic, self.interferic, value)
	return midi.Event.control(, CC.dynamic, value, pos)

chan = {}
for i=1, 16 do
	chan[i] = Channel:new(i)

function plugin.processBlock(samples, buffer_size, midiBuf)
	for i=0, #outEvents do outEvents[i] = nil end  -- Clear the list

	for ev in midiBuf:eachEvent() do
		if ev:isControl() then
			if CC.dynamic == ev:getControlNumber() then
				chan[ev:getChannel()].dynamic = ev:getControlValue()
				table.insert(outEvents, chan[ev:getChannel()]:dynamicEvent(ev.time))
			elseif CC.interferic == ev:getControlNumber() then
				chan[ev:getChannel()].interferic = ev:getControlValue()
				table.insert(outEvents, chan[ev:getChannel()]:dynamicEvent(ev.time))
				table.insert(outEvents, midi.Event(ev))
			table.insert(outEvents, midi.Event(ev))

function refillMIDIBuffer(midiBuf)
	for _, e in ipairs(outEvents) do

I really don't see why this would complain about memory. Any help appreciated.

nandoflorestan avatar Dec 17 '21 19:12 nandoflorestan

By the way, this is happening when running Protoplug in Reaper.

Can anyone help?

nandoflorestan avatar Dec 24 '21 09:12 nandoflorestan

This is the last time I am asking for help on this in 2021.

nandoflorestan avatar Dec 31 '21 10:12 nandoflorestan

I can't reproduce it. I'm sending it LFOs on CC1 and CC4, and I tried stress-testing it by wrapping the midiBuf:eachEvent loop in another loop that repeats it 1000 times. Haven't tried in Reaper yet. It probably won't help, but you could try running "collectgarbage"

pac-dev avatar Dec 31 '21 15:12 pac-dev

Accidentally closed and submitted a comment with an unfinished sentence, but I guess the message was there!

pac-dev avatar Dec 31 '21 15:12 pac-dev