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Data parallel C++ mathematical object library
I've recently tried to compile Grid on a desktop in the most simple, stripped-down way I could figure: ``` ../configure --enable-precision=double --enable-comms=none ``` With the only libraries being GMP &...
Hello, the performance of HMC (Moebius fermion with stout smearing) with GPU is much slower than expected. I would expect roughly two times faster than on 1 KNL, but 5...
I've recently tried to compile Grid on a desktop in the most simple, stripped-down way I could figure: ``` ../configure --enable-precision=double --enable-comms=none ``` With the only libraries being GMP &...
I am trying to build Grid on a cluster with BDW processors using Intel 2019.1.144 icpc and Mellanox HPC-X 2.4.0 (Open MPI 4.0.2a1). A similar build not so long ago...
I am trying to use the feature/gpu branch to test Grid at NERSC on the Cori GPU nodes. I have been following directions from Patrick Steinbrecher from May, but needed...
Hi, I've been maintaining a separate Grid version for a long time (and periodically merging in the develop branch). The primary reason for this has to do with needing 4...
In my CPS A2A code I have always deallocated Grid's shared memory region using Grid::GlobalSharedMemory::SharedMemoryFree() after I am done using the library (the remaining code is pure CPS) in order...
I'm trying to build Grid 0.8.2 on a Marvel ThunderX2 based system with SLES15 and GCC 8.2.0. I'm getting compiler failures in the Hadron directory with errors like this: ```...
Dear developers, I’ve just begun looking into Grid and Hadrons. I can tell you’ve put a great deal of time, effort, and thought into its development. Thanks for making your...
The function ``` void foo(LatticeColourMatrix& field) { ColourMatrix avg = sum(field) * (1.0 / field._grid->gSites()); field = field - avg; } ``` does not compile due to an ambigous overload...