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Data parallel C++ mathematical object library
Hi there, I was cross-checking the output of Grid, a QDP++ program (practically a copy of the chroma implentation), and GLU when applying stout link smearing and I noticed that...
Grid like many codes uses the standard libraries implementation of the normal_distribution. This takes a uniform random number generator as a input and calls it **twice** to generate normally distributed...
Grid has a hardcoded number of dimensions and colours to work with. This makes it hard to create gauge field types when attempting to write simulations in other dimensionalities and...
I was trying to gauge fix a large gauge field (lattice size 64^4). If I use steepest descent gauge fixing without Fourier acceleration: `FourierAcceleratedGaugeFixer::SteepestDescentGaugeFix(Utmp2,xform1,alpha,20000,1.0e-12, 1.0e-12,false,3);` to fix to Coulomb gauge... Getting Travis fails under gcc-5 for Test_simd, now that I added more comprehensive testing to the CI test suite. The limitations of Travis runtime limits & weak cores...
I downloaded Grid using git clone My configure script is run with ../configure CXX=mpiicpc CC=mpiicc --enable-precision=double --enable-simd=AVX --enable-comms=mpi-auto The compiler is [giedt@login005 build]$ mpiicpc --version icpc (ICC) 20190815...
When using the Grid configuration scripts, Grid uses the format `--argument=value`. However, when *running* Grid from the command line, it expects dimensions & MPI splits to be passed as `--argument...
Tagging of the build with branch and git commit hash information is extremely useful. However, AFAIU, the current solution does not work if the build directory is not a subdirectory...
Are there any compilation instructions for the CUDA backend of the sycl branch of Grid? It seems that the build system does not automatically use nvcc where necessary. I've tried...
When I configure the SyCL branch as follows to test on a cluster with NVIDIA P100 GPUs ``` CXX=nvcc \ MPICXX=mpicxx \ CXXFLAGS="-ccbin=mpicxx -gencode=arch=compute_60,code=compute_60 -std=c++11" \ ~/code/grid_sycl/configure \ --enable-precision=double \...