Pablo Sun
Pablo Sun
* 移除「暫存區」的設計 * 落在 `setup` 與 `loop` 區塊之外的 blocks,予以忽略,不生成任何程式碼
It would be more convenient if we can pass LRemote UI controls in to an {} constructor or array initializers to chain creations together.
When using this library: The SPI (Software) library does not act normally. Issues including: * Does not support multiple `beginTransaction()` `endTransaction()` pairs * Does not allow frequency adjustment *...
## Reproduce Steps 1. Open `WiFiUdpSendReceiveString` 1. Run the sketch ## Error & Expected Results In step 2 the remote end does not receive strings correctly. Changing UDP.remotePort() to hard-coded...
Split from #96 LWiFi leaks when calling ```cpp WIFI.BEGIN(ssid, pass); WiFi.disconnect(); ``` repeatedly.