Markus Schräder
Markus Schräder
I donnot think so, as mentioned on bug #283, a similar setup, shows that the project is not in a usable state, same situation now over years.
No no no! It is as I have already told in a different bug just got closed without any attention: If you have latency, mptcp fails at all. They only...
There is so much work to be done for this project to be useful in the most use cases, if not in any....
I think the main problem here is, that there is no (known? documented?) possiblity to debug whats happening and what the internal states of mptcp are. I played two days...
Vor allem die Orte wo das Zeugs liegt, und wie man da hin kommt wäre wichtig.
@glaxx: Mich würde insbesondere interessieren wo es gespeichert ist und wie man da per SSH oder ähnlichem hin kommt.