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Running goaws without a config file that defines AccountId will result in a ReceiveMessage returning invalid XML
I ran goaws as the compiled binary without passing in any config file.
When I received a message using the aws-sdk for node.js i got a cryptic XML parsing error which I traced back to the XML that goaws was returning was missing a <Value>
for SenderId
<ReceiveMessageResponse xmlns="http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-11-05/">
<Body>hello world</Body>
I was super confused because when I used the AWS cli to interact with goaws per the examples at the bottom of the goaws README, the aws-cli would return a value for SenderId!:
"Messages": [
"MessageId": "fa3f13bf-186a-41a6-9724-7580f06cab31",
"ReceiptHandle": "fa3f13bf-186a-41a6-9724-7580f06cab31#feff7a77-1a0e-48a1-a7b7-5fc550a05935",
"MD5OfBody": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
"Body": "hello world",
"Attributes": {
"ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1606346671",
"SenderId": "1606346671",
"ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
"SentTimestamp": "1606346671"
"MD5OfMessageAttributes": "96656da642fec3b345246d3753b407b8",
"MessageAttributes": {
"command": {
"StringValue": "compile",
"DataType": "String"
A keen eye would notice that SenderId has the same value as ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp, so I assume that is a quirk of the XML => JSON process in the aws-cli.
Digging through the code, it appears as if there is an attempt to cover for this and set the AccountId to "queue"
when not present in config.go. However, I think if you're not passing in any yaml file then this would not happen.
Once I created a config file that defined the account id, everything worked as expected:
AccountId: "13371337"
Looking through other issues, I suspect this issue was caused by the same setup as well - as the slightly cryptic XML parsing error look equivalent.
I recommend either making the -config
flag mandatory or properly setting the AccountId when the config file is not set
@tomtomau Thanks for bringing this up. I did a change to sort out the default config file a little while ago. Let me double check that and see if it resolved this issue by happen stance. We'll see. I'll look at it and get back to you.