### Summary External incentive providers keep creating gauges for lockable duraions other than 2 weeks. This breaks our FE which correctly assumes that only 2 week gauges are possible. This...
Just a note here, under QueryDescriptor I think we need to add hasPagination to true. This will add the corresponding flags and such, but I don't think its properly paginates...
Is there a mutative method for this? No stress if not, just a bit worried about the time here _Originally posted by @ValarDragon in
Maybe for v23, we should consider making these params stateful, so we can orchestrate minor changes without needing an entire software upgrade. _Originally posted by @czarcas7ic in
### What happened? A bug happened! Failing to initialize home folder due to `app.toml` config initialization ### Osmosis Version v21 ### How to reproduce? ``` osmosisd init test --home=.osmosisd-conf Error:...
## Background Documenting useful CLIs and queries for people to use. The example of the CLI flow down below is for testing `MsgAddToConcentratedLiquiditySuperfluidPosition` See the list of other messages in...
## Background ``` make loclanet-start-with-state ``` Is broken on `main` because there is no `block` mode in the SDK 47 CLI ## Suggested Design We need to update the CLIs...
## Background For testnets, we frequently modify exported genesis in some modules and import it. There have been a number of hard-to-debug bugs where we either erroneously modify a state...
## Background Currently, we spend a lot of time manually reaching out to validators or integrators during emergency updates. We need to automate this process as well as track acknowledgments....
## Background It would be great to write all mainnet pool state into a json file and build out a test suite that loads all these pools into a Go...