pdbdownload icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pdbdownload copied to clipboard

A Python script to download PDB files associated with a Portable Executable (PE)


A Python script to download PDB files associated with a Portable Executable (PE).
GitHub release (latest by date) YouTube Channel Subscribers


  • [x] Download PDB symbols from msdl.microsoft.com.
  • [x] Process a single or a batch of PortableExecutable (PE) files.


$ ./DownloadPDBSymbols.py -h
usage: DownloadPDBSymbols.py [-h] (-f PE_FILE | -d PE_DIR) [-S SYMBOLS_DIR] [-v]

Description message

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f PE_FILE, --pe-file PE_FILE
  -d PE_DIR, --pe-dir PE_DIR
  -S SYMBOLS_DIR, --symbols-dir SYMBOLS_DIR
                        Output dir where symbols will be downloaded.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode. (default: False)



Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.