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A python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 12 methods.
It is only relevant for exchange servers: If you want to keep the core checks clean from application specific checks that may only work on a small subset of...
Hello. Currently `coercer` supports the following rpc interfaces: ``` /opt/Coercer/coercer/protocols(master) » grep -r uuid uuid = "c681d488-d850-11d0-8c52-00c04fd90f7e" uuid = "a8e0653c-2744-4389-a61d-7373df8b2292" uuid = "12345678-1234-ABCD-EF00-0123456789AB" uuid = "4fc742e0-4a10-11cf-8273-00aa004ae673"...
Hi, I love your tool and I have used it a lot! However, today during testing in my AD lab I suddenly get the error "SMB SessionError: STATUS_PIPE_DISCONNECTED" when attempting...
See #67. I included portions of Responder's code with minimal modifications. This means that Coercer must be GPL licensed. In this approach, we monkeypatch Responder's `SaveToDb` function to modify `control_structure`...
Hi, I like coercer a lot, in particular for identifying DCs which have NTLMv1 enabled. What I always do is run responder in analyze mode and then coercer in coerce...