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comment in semantic javascript grammar

Open lemures-t opened this issue 8 years ago • 3 comments

The comment style triggered by atom's toggle comment (" cmd + / ") in semantic javascript grammar is the block comment ( /* / ). Is it possible to change or customized it into line comment ( " // " )? You know, it is not very convenient sometimes to comment the repeated parts of two blocks of coding using the block comment ( //* // will cause the coding's not being correctly highlighted ).

2016-01-23 01 15 48

I have read the source code of this fantastic project but cannot find where to define the comment way. Really appreciate if someone can give any advice or solution.

lemures-t avatar Jan 22 '16 17:01 lemures-t

yeah this bugs me too.. :cry:

bruinebeer avatar Feb 17 '16 21:02 bruinebeer

+1 for this as well

gilesbutler avatar Feb 21 '16 02:02 gilesbutler

+1 from me too

BlackWolf avatar Jul 02 '16 16:07 BlackWolf