finalterm copied to clipboard
Clutter-WARNING / Clutter Text
Hi, I have installed finalterm from the git-clone on a Ubuntu 14.04 (Unity) machine. Before that I got (I hope) all the necessary packages via: sudo apt-get install cmake debhelper valac-0.22 intltool libgee-0.8.2 libgee-0.8-dev libmx-dev libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev libnotify-dev libunity-dev libkeybinder-3.0-dev
When ever I use a different color scheme than "green screen" I get the following error when I use "ls":
(finalterm:15686): Clutter-WARNING **: Failed to set the markup of the actor 'ClutterText': Attribute 'foreground' occurs twice on tag on line 1 char 192, may only occur once
The result is, that I can't see the output of "ls" except of some random lines. Any idea what the issue could be?
Thanks in advance
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"Green Screen" is not the default color scheme. Did you manually set it and did the error occur only afterwards or was it even happening with a clean install, when the color scheme would have been "Default"?
The error occures on every Unity installation I use and after a clean/initial install of finalterm. I only switched through all the themes to see if it looks fine on any of them, and the only one that workes for me is "green screen".
This doesn't occure on gnome, though.