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Sample blog app that demonstrates the usage of koa

koa-sample Build Status

Sample blog app that demonstrates the usage of koa.


Currently PostgreSQL is only supported.

Clone repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/p-baleine/koa-blog-sample.git && cd koa-blog-sample

koa requires node 0.11.9 or higher (https://github.com/koajs/koa#installation), with nvm, you can switch to node 0.11:

$ nvm use

Note that when I try node 0.11.9 installed by nvm, the installed binary was not enabled openssl and I had to install node 0.11.9 with source option:

$ nvm install -s 0.11

Configure database:

$ cp config/default.sample.json config/default.json # edit your configuration


$ npm install && make

seed user:

$ make seed

Start app:

$ npm start

And access top:


or login as admin:



$ make test