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Dialogue Graph Modeling for Conversational Machine Reading (ACL 2021, Findings)
Dialogue Graph Modeling for Conversational Machine Reading
This is the code for the paper Dialogue Graph Modeling for Conversational Machine Reading.
Here is a codalab bundle link to reproduce our results.
1. Requirements
(Our experiment environment for reference)
Python 3.6
Python 2.7 (for open discourse tagging tool)
Pytorch (1.6.0)
NLTK (3.4.5)
spacy (2.0.16)
transformers (2.8.0)
editdistance (0.5.2)
dgl (0.5.3)
2. Datasets
Download the dataset and extract it, or to use it directly in the directory data/sharc_raw
3. Instructions
3.1 Preprocess Data
Fixing errors in raw data
python fix_question.py
EDU segmentation
The environment requirements are listed here
cd segedu
python preprocess_discourse_segment.py
python sharc_discourse_segmentation.py
Discourse relations tagging
We need to train a discourse relation tagging model according to here.
Firstly, download Glove for pretrained word vector and put it in DialogueDiscourseParsing/glove/glove.6B.100d.txt
Secondly, preprocess data for training.
python data_pre.py <input_dir> <output_file>
Or you can directly use the data in DialogueDiscourseParsing/data/processed_data
Then train the parser with
python main.py --train
The model should be stored in DialogueDiscourseParsing/dev_model
One can directly use the model trained here.
Finally, we can inference for ShARC dataset to get the discourse relations.
python construct_tree_mapping.py
python convert.py
cd DialogueDiscourseParsing
python main_.py
Preprocessing for Decision Making
python preprocess_decision_base.py
Preprocessing for Question Generation
python preprocess_span.py
All the preprocessed data can be found in the directory ./data
. You can also download it here
3.2 Decision Making and Question Generation
To train the model on decision making subtask, run the following:
python -u train_sharc.py \
--train_batch=16 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps=2 \
--epoch=5 \
--seed=323 \
--learning_rate=5e-5 \
--loss_entail_weight=3.0 \
--dsave="out/{}" \
--model=decision_gcn \
--early_stop=dev_0a_combined \
--data=./data/ \
--data_type=decision_electra-large-discriminator \
--prefix=train_decision \
--trans_layer=2 \
The trained model and corresponding results are stored in out/train_decision
For question generation subtask, we first extract the under-specified span by following:
python -u train_sharc.py \
--train_batch=16 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps=2 \
--epoch=5 \
--seed=115 \
--learning_rate=5e-5 \
--dsave="out/{}" \
--model=span \
--early_stop=dev_0_combined \
--data=./data/ \
--data_type=span_electra-large-discriminator \
--prefix=train_span \
The trained model and corresponding results are stored in out/train_span
Then, use the inference result of under-specified span and the rule document to generate follow-up questions:
python -u qg.py \
--fin=./data/sharc_raw/json/sharc_dev.json \
--fpred=./out/inference_span \ # directory of span prediction
--model_recover_path=/absolute/path/to/pretrained_models/qg.bin \
The final results are stored in final_res.json