iron-grid copied to clipboard
Wrong initial grid render
Please, mind the code bellow. Every time I refresh the page, in whatever column class it happens to be, the grid always shows the largest column class. For example, after a refresh, if the browser window is 470px wide, so the .xs class in utilized, instead of getting 1 card to be shown full-screen, I get 4 cards. I think it defaults to the largest class. I have to resize the window manually for the correct grid rule to apply.
Am I missing something in the correct use of iron-grid or is it a bug?
PS. Windows user here.
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{productsList}}" on-dom-change="_repeatRender">
<div class="xs12 s6 m3 l3">
<paper-card elevation="1" id="{{}}" image="{{item.header}}" heading="{{}}">
<div class="card-content">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut earum, quisquam in temporibus dolor facilis provident similique officiis velit blanditiis!
<div class="card-actions">
<paper-button on-tap="_openCard">Open</paper-button>
Can you provide a plunkr example ?
@AntoniosProvidakis Is this on Microsoft Edge?
@The5heepDev No, it's on Google Chrome.
@AntoniosProvidakis With the new update (v3.3.1), is this bug fixed?
No Sir. I've attached my project's source code. It's pretty minimal, for the moment Please run this command in a terminal: "npm install && bower install && gulp serve" and take a look yourself.
@AntoniosProvidakis I'm busy for the rest of today, but I can look at it tomorrow afternoon.
@The5heepDev Yeah, take your time! I'll be happy to hear from you. Thanks!
@The5heepDev Hello, it's been long since the last time. Did you take a look on the issue? :)
@AntoniosProvidakis OMG, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot. I'll take a look in a bit. Sorry!!
@AntoniosProvidakis So I took a look at your code. It seems that the resize event in fired too soon, so the window size cannot be loaded. This is probably a bug in iron-resizable-behavior.
@The5heepDev So it's not something wrong with my code. Thanks a lot for your time. I hope the bug is fixed in a later release.
@AntoniosProvidakis I tried a bunch of different methods of firing the resize event on load, but they were all to early.
I have the same issue with dom-repeat. Otherwise great component!
Do you meet the problem again with the new version ?
@maxiplay Hello, I tried again with the new version, but the bug insists. I uploaded a short screencast to see with your own eyes the problem exactly. The video starts with browser window full width and resizing gradually. There, iron-grid works as expected. Towards the end, I make the window smaller and press refresh. That's where the problem appears. Instead of two columns, it renders all 4 columns. I hope the video helps.
Please provide a simple plunkr example and I will look at it. I don't want to waste my time to install complexe code.
I create you an example you can fork.
It will be useful for discuss.
@antoniosprovidakis @samiheikki Are you able to manually call the resize event? Try doing that.
@The5heepDev calling resize event won't work because applyResponsive function is invoked only when screenFormat changes therefore *-important class is not set.
The workaround is to observe changes of your array and then call applyPriorieties function.
Addidtionally while looking at your code I noticed that you are passing String to applyResponsive and then changing it to array and iterating over it in applyPriorities. You could just pass String and delete one iteration. Cheers!
@ksmolicz Pull request is welcomed ;)
For the meanwhile use this workaround:
<iron-grid id=grid>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[]]" on-dom-change="_refreshGrid">
<div class="xs12 s12 m6">
<paper-material elevation="3">...</paper-material>
_refreshGrid: function() {
this.$.grid.applyResponsive(this.$.grid.currentScreenformat, this.$.grid.currentScreenformat);
Thanks for your workaround @dobexx ! It helps a lot. Looking at the dev console, the _refreshGrid is invoked every time the dom change so I would suggest to use this function instead to prevent browser performance issue.
_refreshGrid: function() { this.debounce('refreshGrid', function () { console.log('_refreshGrid' + this.$.grid.applyResponsive); this.$.grid.applyResponsive(this.$.grid.currentScreenformat, this.$.grid.currentScreenformat); }, 300);
Make sense?
Yes it's even better @arlejeun I would set the debounce time to 100 ms.
@arlejeun @dobexx @maxiplay
I think this line in iron-grid file is wrong:
onResize: function(event) {
var newWidth = this.offsetWidth;
And must be:
onResize: function(event) {
var newWidth = window.outerWidth;
I am thinking to use this grid system for my project could you please suggest if grids are good for responsive design? Any issue still persisting?