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A scheme/Racket based package for symbolic mathematics for physicist, which currently supports a realization of Euler-Lagrangian Equation in classical physics, Riemannian geometry and General Relativi...
=========== Schemannian
As a scheme/Racket based package for symbolic mathematics for physicist, "Schemannian" currently supports a realization of Euler-Lagrangian Equation is classical physics, Riemannian geometry and General Relativity calculations, and simple Grassmannian Calculus.
"Schemannian" won the first Jane Street prize of Lisp In Summer Projects 2013
.. _Lisp In Summer Projects 2013:
Test Environment
"Schemannian" is written and debugged using a Racket
_ v5.3.1 in a 64-bit Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) computer, and a v5.3.5 in a 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) computer. Racket is installed by the default setting of sudo apt-get install racket
.. _Racket:
"Schemannian" can calculate the Lagrangian and the equation of motion (by Euler-Lagrangian equation) of a classical mechanical system. For example, this piece of code will give you the equation of motion of the double pendulum.
.. code:: scheme
(define pendulum1
(make-pendulum 'm1 'l1 'pivotX1 'pivotY1 (make-function 'theta1 't)))
(define pendulum2
(make-pendulum 'm2 'l2 (pendulum1 'X) (pendulum1 'Y) (make-function 'theta2 't)))
(define L (lagrangian (list pendulum1 pendulum2)))
(define euler-lagrangian-L
(euler-lagrangian-equation L
(list (make-function 'theta1 't) (make-function 'theta2 't))
(list (deriv (make-function 'theta1 't) 't)
(deriv (make-function 'theta2 't) 't))
That is interesting, because Lagrangian formulation and Euler-Lagrangian equation are extremely important for loop calculations in quantum field theory. Those calculations are really tedious, and currently there is NO general propose package to do them.
"Schemannian" gives an interface to virtualize the motion of mechanical objects by Euler-Lagrangian equation.
"Schemannian" is capable to calculate typical General Relativity expressions such as Christoffel symbols, Riemann curvature tensor, Ricci curvature tensor, and Ricci scalar from the metric. For example, the following code calculate the curvature on the surface of a sphere.
.. code:: scheme
(define g (make-tensor '((_ a) (_ b))
'(((** r 2) 0)
(0 (* (** r 2) (** (sin theta) 2))))))
(define Gamma^a_bc (christoffel '((^ a) (_ b) (_ c)) g '(theta phi)))
(define R^a_bcd (riemann-tensor '((^ a) (_ b) (_ c) (_ d)) Gamma^a_bc '(theta phi)))
(define R_ab (ricci-curvature-tensor '((_ a) (_ b)) R^a_bcd))
(ricci-scalar g R_ab)
The Schemannian Reference
Supported Math Functions
Virtualization of Expressions
Simplification of Expressions
Linear Algebra
Equation Solving
Basic Calculus
Numerical Differential Equation Solving
Data Virtualization
.. _Expressions: .. _Virtualization of Expressions: .. _Simplification of Expressions: .. _Linear Algebra: .. _Equation Solving: .. _Basic Calculus: .. _Numerical Differential Equation Solving: .. _Data Virtualization:
Physics Related Functions
Euler Lagrangian Equation
Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity
Grassmannian Calculus
.. _Euler Lagrangian Equation: .. _Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity: .. _Grassmannian Calculus:
Copyright and License
This program has been written by Cong-Xin Qiu. It is protected by the "GNU Lesser General Public License"
.. _"GNU Lesser General Public License":