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@RavanH thanks for your submission - I'm unable at the moment to take time to look into these, but I will :)
Ping @AntoineFr for info
This is way too specific to be an "enhancement" that would make it to YOURLS. Definitely plugin territory.
Not sure I understand the problem... How can the plugin **not** be activated, since it's included via `cache.php`? Isn't there a confusion here letting the user think they have to...
yourls_escape() shouldn't return false if the string is valid, indeed. The thing is, I just don't understand why it would erroneously return false :-) The DB connection is created very...
@huangzj @ianbarber Not sure if you're still following this -- YOURLS 1.7 has started dev with support for mysqli and PDO Regarding that issue with `yourls_escape()` : could you update...
@Alexander6766 please see https://yourls.org/docs/guide/troubleshooting/first-steps