It says "... bin/luajit: cannot open in mode r at /tmp/luarocks_torch-scm-1-4138/torch7/lib/TH/THDiskFile.c:670 stack traceback:". When I change the model name to latest_net_G.t7, it tries to read the model, but gives out...
Hi, I just installed, so I wanted to share. You can use pytorch 0.3 with encoding v0.1.0. It works fine (at least for testing).
v.set(lookat = (1,0,-2)) #Camera look-at position v.set(phi = 0.7) #Camera azimuthal angle (radians) v.set(theta = 0.7) #Camera elevation angle (radians) v.set(r = 100) #Camera distance to look-at point