Özgür Akgün
Özgür Akgün
3 things need to be done - [ ] Fix colab links - [ ] Update the conjure-notebook version to v0.0.8 - as part of this calls to `conjure_clear` will...
... so Conjure can just count solutions instead of enumerating them.
Some notes from code comments: one BinRelAttr_Reflexive = return [essence| forAll &xP : &dom . &rel(&x,&x) |] one BinRelAttr_Irreflexive = return [essence| forAll &xP : &dom . !(&rel(&x,&x)) |] one...
A colleage tells me this is commonly done. I think scipy does the same: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.skew.html Sorry I don't know very much about this subject, but wanted to make an issue...
this is only a change in the test file, the actual implementation still needs to be updated to reflect the change. (sorry, couldn't modify the implementation file as it seems...
normalise quantified variable name before checking for redundancy.