Özgür Akgün
Özgür Akgün
Any suggestions for this one @ChrisJefferson? I can implement what I suggest in the previous comment without too much hassle (output dir named after the essence file) but this can...
Hi Pete. Hard to know. As far as I can see for the toSet at the top level Conjure tries to create a top level decision variable which is unlikely...
Thanks! Ref #630 for an initial discussion on this.
Would help if you shared the file for testing purposes.
this is fixed
I'll close this as won't fix for now, we can think about this in the future again if we get to rethinking the language...
I guess that flag doesn't hurt, right? What happens if the binary name was different for example? Conjure now passes the relevant flag so this is fixed when used from...
I'll close this since I don't think there is anything to fix? Please reopen @stylpe if needed.
I've just reproduced this. @Maurice-Byrne can you check what your new parser does on these examples please? There are 3 test cases in the above commit: https://github.com/conjure-cp/conjure/commit/23ef5ec7ecac8b6a0ae42dffe28e1fb96a7b14c4 Ye olde parser...
I don't think so. This is a bug in the docs, just to be clear.